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Contact Information

Sally Miller


Clinical Professor

Graduate Nursing

Sally Miller, PhD, is a nurse practitioner with 27 years of practice experience and four nurse practitioner board certifications including family, adult-gerontology acute care, adult-gerontology primary care and psychiatric mental health. She has been teaching graduate nursing students since 1995 with an emphasis on advanced pathophysiology and pharmacology. Miller maintains an active clinical practice and is currently the APRN consultant to the Nevada State Board of Nursing. She has over 30 publications including peer-refereed clinical and research topics. Miller is an active presenter at a variety of national conferences and is a fellow of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.

Faculty Fellowships

Fellow of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners

Professional Society

American Nurses Association
American Association of Nurse Practitioners
Western Regional Advanced Practice Nurses Network

Selected Publications

Miller, S. K. (2019). 12-lead electrocardiogram interpretation for nurse practitioners. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 15(1), 110-7.

Miller, S. K. (2015). Professional sustainability and the nurse executive. In A. Rundio & V. Wilson (Eds.). The doctor of nursing practice and the nurse executive role. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.

Miller, S. K. (2014). The adult-gerontology nurse practitioner certification review guide (6th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Freidlander, E. A., Pallentino, J., Miller, S. K., & VanBeuge, S. S. (2010). The evolution of proton pump inhibitors for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 22, 674-83.

Editorial review board membership:

American Nurse Journal. 2018-present.

Research Interests

Adult medical and psychiatric illness

08/16 – 12/17 Northern Kentucky University, Postmaster’s Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Across the Lifespan program.

09/06 – 08/08 Northern Kentucky University, Postmaster’s Family Nurse Practitioner program

09/97 – 05/01 Walden University, PhD in Education

09/91 – 05/93 Rutgers, The State University, Camden, New Jersey; Master of Science; Adult Health Nurse Practitioner program

08/88 – 05/90 Rutgers, The State University, Camden, New Jersey, BSN

08/86 – 08/88 Camden County College, New Jersey, Associate of Science