Michael Kennedy

Contact Information

Michael C. Kennedy


Professor Emeritus

Health Sciences Department
Michael C. Kennedy, PhD is a Professor and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Health Professions Programs.

Before joining the faculty at Hahnemann University in 1981, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology of New York University (New York, NY). He is active in teaching, research and administration. His teaching includes lectures and laboratories in a number of Anatomy and Physiology courses for undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Nursing and Health Professions. 

Research Interests

Dr. Kennedy`s research interests were centered on the comparative neuroanatomy of sensory and motor systems. The National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation provided funding his research. He has served as a research grant reviewer on a National Institutes of Health study section and as an external grant reviewer for the National Science Foundation. He has served as an external reviewer of manuscripts for publication in Experimental Neurology, Hearing Research and The Anatomical Record. He is a Past President of the Hahnemann University Faculty. He has served on a number of University and College committees. He is currently the Recording Secretary of the Drexel University Faculty Senate.


He specializes in Physiology, Pathophysiology.