Maryann Godshall

Contact Information

Maryann Godshall


Associate Clinical Professor

Undergraduate Nursing

Maryann Godshall, PhD, CNE, CCRN, CPN, is an associate clinical professor at Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions in Philadelphia, PA. She obtained her BSN and MSN from DeSales University. She has a post-master’s degree in Nursing Education from Duquesne University. Godshall completed her PhD at Duquesne University (2014) and her research topic was “Exploring Learning of Pediatric Burn Patients through Storytelling.”

Godshall has worked in adult med-surge telemetry. She continues working in pediatric critical care and pediatric in-patient rehabilitation. She has been a nurse for over 28 years. Her clinical background is in trauma, neuro, burn, pediatrics, neonatal and critical care and has extensive experience in these areas. She holds current certification in critical care (CCRN), pediatrics (CPN) and nursing education (CNE). She has been teaching for over 15 years in the university, hospital and clinical settings. She is also a legal nurse consultant for The Expert Institute, New York.

She is co-editor of The Certified Nurse Examination (CNE) Review Manual, 4th edition (2021), and wrote Fast Facts of Evidence Based Practice, 3rd Ed (2019); Springer Publishing Company.” A test question writer and contributor of Respiratory Disorders & Gastrointestinal Disorders. In Rudd & Kocisko’s Davis Edge for Pediatric Nursing, 2nd Ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis (2018).

She has published chapters in several books and textbooks including Caring for the Child with a Chronic Condition and the Dying Child & Caring for the Child with Cancer in Maternal-Child Nursing Caring: Optimizing Outcomes for Mothers, Children & Families, 2nd Ed. (2016): F.A. Davis. Disaster Nursing: A Handbook for Practice (2009): Jones & Bartlett, as well as many journal articles. Other accomplishments include the 2008 Nightingale Award of Pennsylvania Nursing Scholarship.

Godshall presents both nationally and internationally at nursing conferences on a variety of topics, she most recently presented “Moral Distress, Compassion Fatigue, and Burnout in Rome, Italy (October 2019).

Research Interests

Pediatric burns, critical care, pediatrics, nursing education

Academic Distinctions

Associate Professor; PhD Duquesne University

Professional Society

American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)
Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI)
Society of Pediatric Nurses (SPN)
National League for Nursing (NLN)
American Nurses Association (ANA)

Selected Publications

Godshall, M. (2021). Co-editor. Review Book for the Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) Exam, 4th Ed. New York: Springer.

Godshall, M. (2020). Exploring Learning of Pediatric Burn Patients through Drawing & Storytelling. Advances in Nursing Science ANSR-106. doi: 10.39127.

Godshall, M. (2020). Moral Distress during a Pandemic and Ways to Cope. Nursing 2020. Philadelphia: LWW: Wolters Kluwer.

Godshall, M. (2019). Fast Facts for Evidence Based Practice in Nursing, 3rd ed. New York: Springer.

Godshall, M. (2018). Chapter 11: Respiratory Disorders & Chapter 15: Gastrointestinal Disorders. In Rudd & Kocisko’s Davis Edge for Pediatric Nursing, 2nd Ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

PhD from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA

Post-Masters in Nursing Education; Duquesne University

Masters- Clinical Nurse Specialist; DeSales University

BSN from DeSales University (magna cum laude)