Alecia Fox

Contact Information

Alecia Fox


Assistant Clinical Professor

Graduate Nursing

Alecia S. Fox, PhD, joined Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions as full-time faculty in 2006. She is a nationally certified family nurse practitioner with more than 30 years of diverse clinical and education experience in emergency, critical care, trauma, organ transplant, education and advanced nursing practice.

Academic Distinctions

Distinguished Service Award (2017) Student Nurses' Association of Pennsylvania

Honorary Member Award (2017) Drexel University Student Nurses Association

Honorary Member Award for outstanding contribution (2015) Student Nurses' Association of Pennsylvania

Stellar School Chapter Award (2014) National Student Nurses Association

Advisor of the Year (2013) Drexel University Student Affairs

Professional Society

Fox has served on local, state, and national committees for the American Nurses Association and the American Association of Critical Care Nurses, as well as maintaining membership with Sigma Theta Tau and Eastern Nursing Research Society.

Selected Publications

Fox, A. (2019). Wound Closure Procedures In Campo, T. M. & Lafferty, K. (Eds), Essential procedures for practitioners in emergency, urgent, and primary care settings: A clinical companion (Chapter 25). New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Fox, A. (2017). The experience of nurse faculty new to a full time academic role and intent to stay in academia. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.

Fox, A. (2010). Nutraceuticals: Are you prepared for a conversation with your patients? Advance for Nurses, 12, 13-17.

Krouse, A. & Fox, A. (2019). Competency VIII: Function Within the Educational Environment. In Halstead, J.A. NLN Core Competencies for Nurse Educations: A Decade of Influence (pp. 149-167). Washington, DC: National League for Nursing.

Waite, R., McKenney, N., Sahl, M., Nguyen, P., & Fox, A. (2015). Strengthening emotional and social competence: undergraduate health professions students. International Journal of Health Professions, 2 (2), 85-92. doi: 10.1515/ijhp-2015- 0011.


Fox currently practices in the Emergency Department of a local Trauma Center. 

PhD, Nursing Science, 2017
Widener University
Chester, PA

MSN, Family Nurse Practitioner, 1996
Widener University
Chester, PA

BSN, Nursing, 1991
Pennsylvania State University
State College, PA

Diploma, Nursing, 1987
Pottsville Hospital School of Nursing
Pottsville, PA