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Theresa M. Fay-Hillier


Associate Clinical Professor

Undergraduate Nursing

Theresa Fay-Hillier, DrPH, is an associate clinical professor in the College of Nursing and Health Professions. She earned a doctorate in public health from Drexel University's School of Public Health, her master's degree in psychiatric mental health nursing from the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Holy Family University. Fay-Hillier is a board-certified clinical nurse specialist in psychiatric and mental health nursing by the American Nurses Credentialing Center and is also certified in completing danger assessments with victims of intimate partner violence (IPV). Fay-Hillier has an interest in working with the chronically mentally ill as well as people who are victims of abuse. The experience in her areas of interest has been numerous and in a variety of community settings. She was a coleader of a homicide bereavement group for families at the City of Philadelphia Office of the Medical Examiner. Fay-Hillier was also a co-owner of a nurse-owned business providing critical incident stress debriefing services to employees who worked in both healthcare agencies and general business facilities. She has presented at both national and international conferences on issues related to IPV, harm-reduction strategies in addressing individuals addicted to opioids, vaping, child abuse and implementation of collaborate simulation experiences into nursing programs. Fay-Hillier has also coauthored several peer reviewed articles and is coeditor of a textbook on child maltreatment. Fay-Hillier's focus of research in obtaining her DrPH from Drexel University's School of Public Health was related to healthcare providers' experiences in addressing IPV.

Academic Distinctions

Professor Fay-Hillier traveled to Bolivia to provide consultation and education to judges, prosecutors and forensic psychologists to enhance the evaluation of sexually assaulted children and teens and to explore strategies for successful prosecution of the offenders. 

(2015, January 28th) Invited to be a panel member for an Interdisciplinary Discussion at Drexel University for members of the Drexel community on:  “Mental illness: More prominent than you think.”    

Professional Society

National League for Nurses (NLN)
International Association of Forensic Nurses
International Nurses Society on Additions (IntNSA)
American Psychiatric Association
Sigma Theta Tau International (Nursing Honor Society)

Selected Publications

Douglass, B., Solecki, S. & Fay-Hillier, T. (2020). The harmful consequences of vaping: A public health threat. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 31(2), 79-84. Doi: 10.1097/JAN.0000000000000332

Clements, P. T., & Fay-Hillier, T. M. (2019). The effects of intimate partner violence on children: Navigating targeted therapeutic assessment and intervention. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 40(6), 486-492. Doi: 10.1080/01612840.2018.1553000

Regan, R. V., Fay-Hillier, T. M., & Murphy-Parker, D. (2019). Simulation clinical experience of veteran care competence for psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner students with simulation patients. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 40(3), 223-232. Doi: 10.1080/01612840.2018.1543743

Fay-Hillier, T. M., Clements, P. T., & Solecki, S. (2015). Effects of IPV on children. In P.T. Clements, J. Pierce-Weeks, K.E. Holt, A.P. Giardino, S. Seedat, & C. Mortiere (Eds.), Intimate Partner Violence during pregnancy (pp. 385-407). STM Learning, Inc.

Solecki, S., & Fay-Hillier, T. (2015). The toll of too much technology on teens’ mental health. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 30, 933-936.

Research Interests

Intimate partner violence; substance use disorders; victims of child abuse; forensic science; simulation


Psychiatric Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Drexel University
School of Public Health
Philadelphia, PA
Doctor of Public Health, 2016
Dissertation: A qualitative study on intimate partner violence screening practices
by registered nurses in the emergency department.