Danielle Devine

Contact Information

Danielle Devine

Phd, RN

Assistant Clinical Professor

Undergraduate Nursing

Danielle Devine, PhD, is an assistant clinical professor in the College of Nursing and Health Professions at Drexel University. She has worked as a bedside nurse in an intermediate neurological intensive care unit where she specialized in neurology, neurosurgery, trauma and critical care. She currently works as a bedside nurse in a post-operative anesthesia care unit, with a focus on post-operative orthopedic patients. Devine has presented at various national conferences on topics ranging from free technologies to enhanced teaching methods and user acceptance of social media use by nursing faculty. She has led faculty workshops that have assisted teaching staff in creating flipped classrooms and the inclusion of social media as a teaching modality. At Drexel University, she teaches Adult Nursing III, Pharmacology I and II, Leadership and Research.

Academic Distinctions

2011 Research Scholar Award received from Holy Family University

Research Interests

Scholarly interests include social media, flipped classroom and student perspectives in nursing education.


Neurology, Critical Care

2015: Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing; Villanova University

2011: Master of Science in Nursing; Holy Family University

2008: Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Gwynedd-Mercy University