
Contact Information

Suzanne Ariza


Assistant Clinical Professor

Nurse Anesthesia Department

Suzanne Ariza, MSN, has been an assistant clinical professor for the Nurse Anesthesia program since 2015. She has over 25 years of nursing experience, mostly in the critical care setting. Ariza is a graduate of Drexel’s Nurse Anesthesia program receiving a postmaster’s certificate in 2009 and obtained a Master of Science in Nursing from Drexel University with a focus in nursing education in 2006.

In 2019, Ariza received her certification in pain management. She has served as secretary, treasurer, president-elect and president for the Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists. She is currently the state peer advisor for the Pennsylvania Association of Nurse Anesthetists and has held this position since 2016. Ariza is currently a PhD candidate at Villanova University with a research focus of nonsurgical pain management.

Academic Distinctions

Thiemann Doctoral Nursing Scholarship recipient for 2018 and 2019

Professional Society

American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses

Research Interests

Nonsurgical pain management

Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing: anticipated graduation May 2021
Villanova University
Villanova, Pennsylvania

Postmaster’s Certificate, Nurse Anesthesia, May 2009
Master of Science in Nursing, Nursing Education, May 2006
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA

BS, Nursing, May 2001
Immaculata University
Malvern, PA

Associate degree in nursing, June 1994
Drexel University (formerly Hahnemann University)
Philadelphia, PA