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    • 20 Thoughts from the Drexel University Class of 2020

      June 08, 2020

      The Class of 2020 is an historic one. Here are their thoughts during graduation week.

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    • The Entrepreneurship Co-op

      May 29, 2020

      A co-op, which is a term short for cooperative education, is a program employed throughout Drexel University to give students the opportunity to take what they’ve learned from the classroom and apply it to a real-world experience. While on Co-op, students have the chance to work full-time while their academic studies are put on pause. Most people think an internship is the same as a co-op experience, but there are many factors that set them apart from one another.


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    • Social Entrepreneurship - What Are You Passionate About?

      May 12, 2020

      “To aspiring Social Entrepreneurs: start in your heart! Everybody has a true passion for a problem in society, what’s your soul-searing passion? Don’t know yet? Then go somewhere where you can remove all distractions and then go DEEP - into your own heart and soul. Once you have found your Driving Passion, you’re on the right path to social entrepreneurship. But note well: You need your own Driving Passion - because a social mission is grindingly tough and at times even seemingly hopeless. It’s your Driving Passion that will propel you through the grind.” 


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    • Dragons Stick Together to Make Social Distancing Decals

      May 12, 2020

      Alumni, adjunct faculty and a student co-op are creating labels illustrating spaces six feet apart. And, they’re donating them to life-sustaining businesses.

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    • The Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship included in Drexel's prestigious AACSB accreditation

      April 17, 2020

      The Charles D. Close School is delighted to announce its new AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accreditation.



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    • Focusing on You - The Importance Of Mindfulness In Entrepreneurship

      April 17, 2020

      As an entrepreneur, your daily life and routine can be an everchanging cycle of adaptation as new tasks and problems arise. While you may be tempted to put in long hours or feel anxiety about new challenges that may emerge, practicing mindfulness can have great benefits not only for your health, but also for your business. 

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    • At Drexel, Community Comes Together as Dragons Stay Apart

      April 08, 2020

      While the COVID-19 pandemic runs its course, Drexel continues to innovate and promote research, scholarship and well-being.

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    • Sharing Excess: Battling Food Insecurity Through COVID-19

      April 06, 2020

      <span>When most of the activity in Philadelphia came to a halt due in an effort to curtail the spread of the novel coronavirus, Drexel University alum Evan Ehlers and his food recovery nonprofit saw more action than ever &mdash; and rose to the challenge to benefit the city&rsquo;s less fortunate.</span>

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    • Pivoting Your Business Plan - Coming Out On Top

      April 01, 2020

      The COVID-19 outbreak has had an impact on the lives of citizens, government officials, and business owners alike. Many business owners around the world have been pushed to switch to remote work, reevaluate their business plans, and seek a new “normal” as they prepare for the future. With no definite end in sight for the pandemic, many have begun to consider going digital as a way to keep their businesses afloat. Companies able to leverage technology and pivot their businesses to withstand current economic hardships will find themselves not only able to survive these uncertain times, but also see their business come out even stronger than before.

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    • Online Learning Tips From Your Fellow Dragons

      March 27, 2020

      <span>Some Drexel University students will take their first online class this spring as the curriculum goes virtual in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. To help cope with this transition, some of Drexel&rsquo;s top online students provided their online learning hacks and best practices.</span>

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