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Getting involved in research studies at the Autism Institute

The A.J. Drexel Autism Institute is the first research organization built around a public health science approach to understanding and addressing the challenges of autism spectrum disorders. We invite parents, people on the autism spectrum, physicians, childcare providers and others to participate in research studies to advance the base of knowledge we have on autism from early detection through transition to adulthood. Take a look at the studies below and contact us if you are interested in participating.

For adults on the autism spectrum

Using Network Science to Investigate Social Networks and Employment Support for Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum

When a young adult is preparing for employment, they can rely on a network of supporters, including parents/guardians, family members, school staff and community people to help them gain employment. In our research study, we want to learn how young adults build social networks and collaborate with the people in their networks, as they prepare for employment post-high school. on the autism spectrum? young adult for How do social networks and pre-employment experiences shape the transition from high school To participant in our study, the young adult must have the following:

  • Autism classification
  • within 3-12 months post-high school or extended high be OR be in their final year of high school or extended high school
  • 18 years old or older
  • If you are eligible and decide to participate in our study, we will ask you to complete virtual/online tasks, such as a survey, study forms, and/or an interview with us. The research tasks can take place whenever best fits your schedule, including morning, business or evening hours during the week or weekend. Your experiences will help us gather information about how social networks and employment shape transition for young adults on the spectrum. Participants will be paid for each task they complete in the study. Participants will be paid $20 for each task they complete in the study. If you're interested in participating or learning more, please fill out our Interest Form (link below)
  • Interest Form 
  • Contact SoDI Lab

  • Calling all adults on the autism spectrum!

    We would like to hear about your experiences with and interest in support with nonverbal communication. We are interested in developing supports to help improve communication experiences for adults on the autism spectrum, but first want to hear from the autistic community about what (if any) supports are wanted or needed. This survey is open to all adults on the autism spectrum, regardless of age, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability status. If you’re interested in participating, you will be asked to complete about 60 minutes of online surveys related to communication, autism traits, and general information about yourself. The surveys should take about an hour to complete. Communication differences will be accommodated. You will receive a $40 Amazon gift code after you complete the study. To get started, please email us.

  • or call/text us at (484) 466-5687.
  • Download the flyer


    For parents/caregivers and children

    The Transition Odyssey of Youth with Autism on the Road to Adulthood: Parent Interview

    This new study will pilot test an interview for parents and guardians of young adults with autism about their experiences during the transition years. This study involves completing background information forms and talking to the research team by phone or through video conference. We will ask about topics like the transition out of high school, services the youth received, and barriers to transition planning. You can participate in this study if you are the parent or legal guardian of a young adult with autism spectrum disorder. You must have a young adult who: 1) has been out of high school for between 2 and 6 years, 2) received special education services at some point during high school, and 3) needed help with transition in one or more domain (employment, health care, mental health care, postsecondary education). We are currently interested in talking to parents who speak English. Participants who complete the study will receive a $25 gift card of your choice (Target, Walmart, or Amazon) upon completion of background forms, and another $25 card upon completion of an interview if selected.

  • Contact Anne Roux, MPH

    Development of the M-CHAT-S (School Age Screener for Autism Risk)

    We are developing and testing a screening questionnaire for ASD risk for young school age children (age 4 to 8 years) and are looking for participants to assist with its development. This study is for parents of children ages 4-8 (including children on the spectrum, children with other delays or learning difficulties, and children with typical development) and educators (teachers, special education teachers, intervention providers) with at least 5 years of experience working with students on the autism spectrum. Participants will either complete an interview or focus group or pilot test the questionnaire. Participants in the interview will give feedback on potential screener items over phone or Zoom. For pilot testing, participants will be asked to complete the newly developed questionnaire and two to three other questionnaires online - Some may be asked to complete again, 1-2 weeks later. Participation will take no more than 60-90 minutes and you will be compensated for your time.

  • Contact the study coordinator
  • Download the flyer

    Research Study for Children Ages 15 Months to 6 Years Receiving Treatment for Autism or Typically Developing

    This study aims to examine if a new investigational device, called the EarliPoint Assessment for Autism Spectrum, can be used to monitor how social engagement changes over time. This device tracks where children are looking as they watch videos of social scenes on a screen. This shows us how typically developing children and children with autism visually explore the social world, and can help us determining whether early interventions designed to improve social engagement are effective. This study is open to children aged 15 to 78 months who are typically developing OR have an autism diagnosis and are enrolled in related services/therapies. You and your child will be asked to attend seven study visits over a 6-month period at the AJ Drexel Autism Institute (3020 Market St, Philadelphia, PA). Benefits include an evaluation of your child’s developmental status at no cost to you and compensation of $340 across the study for your time.