
  • Q and A: Jim Connell on Autism, Education and Adolescent-to-Adult Transitions

    Apr 17, 2013

    Dr. James Connell, who joined Drexel last year as the clinical director of the A.J Drexel Autism Institute, shared with DrexelNow some of the latest developments at the institute since its launch last year.

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  • Drexel at Philadelphia Science Festival and Philly Tech Week

    Apr 16, 2013

    As part of city’s vibrant scientific and technological community, Drexel University will play a big role in the 2013 Philadelphia Science Festival and Philly Tech Week on April 18-28. From a 29-story video game, to cutting-edge robotics, to an interactive Jazz concert, Drexel’s students, faculty and professional staff will be part of the programming for both week-long celebrations of the inquisitive and innovative spirits that are part of the fabric of the city.

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