About the Drexel Alumni Network

Drexel Alumni Mission Statement

The purpose of the Drexel Alumni network shall be to provide an organizational framework to encourage and coordinate alumni activities and interests, uphold and extend the influence of Drexel and its alumni, strengthen the bonds among alumni, students and the university, communicate alumni opinions on matters affecting Drexel, and foster sustainable support for the university and its constituents.

Founded in 1965, Drexel Alumni is dedicated to keeping alumni in touch, informed, involved and invested in the University.

The alumni network continuously works to strengthen the lifelong bond between Drexel and its alumni, to support and enhance the student experience and to help shape the future of Drexel.

The Board of Governors is Drexel Alumni's governing body, accepting a leadership and participatory role in the current and future state of the alumni network.

Membership in Drexel Alumni is granted upon graduation and is free. Take advantage of the many benefits and services we offer!

Code of Conduct

Third-Party Partnerships

Personal Information in the Alumni Online Community