Adaptable Curricula

Set the Standard for Cutting Edge, Adaptable Curricula

Rapidly develop and deliver agile curricula to partners and individuals of diverse backgrounds and ages that are responsive to market demands and the needs of a global society.

Goal: Achieve 98.1% job placement rate one year after graduation for bachelor's students

96.9% of Drexel University undergraduates are working or enrolled in graduate or professional education one year after graduation. Through the Adaptable Curricula imperative, our goal is to achieve at 98.1% job placement rate by 2030.
Job Placement Rate One Year After Graduation

96.9% of Drexel University undergraduates are working or enrolled in graduate or professional education one year after graduation. Through the Adaptable Curricula imperative, our goal is to achieve at 98.1% job placement rate by 2030.

Source: University one-year out outcomes survey, bachelor's, Tableau