Rock Climbing Clinics

The Climbing Wall program offers classes that cover introductory through advanced skills.

No matter what your level of skill or experience is, there is an option for you to reach new heights! No experience is required and all equipment is provided. All you have to do is sign up!

Belay Class

The Belay Class teaches participants the skills required to climb & belay independent of a staff member in a top rope setting. At the end of the course participants will have the necessary skills to complete the Belay Certification. No experience is necessary and all equipment is provided.

  • An understanding of the risks and benefits involved in the sport of rock climbing.
  • How to identify and properly use basic climbing equipment including a harness, locking carabiner, tubular style belay device, ground anchor, etc.
  • How to tie a figure eight retrace knot.
  • Climbing safety procedures including checks and belay commands.
  • The principles and techniques of belaying.
  • How climbing routes are graded (to determine the difficulty of a climb)

Belay Classes are offered Monday - Friday: 6:00pm - 7:00pm. Sign up for a Belay Class here.

Not seeing a time that works for you? If you are interested in scheduling a class that better fits your schedule, please contact

*Belay Certification

In order to belay at the Recreation Center, members must first pass a belay test demonstrating competency in applying a harness, tying a figure-eight retrace knot, and belaying. Seasoned climbers may request to be belay certified during open climbing hours. Note: Climbing wall staff may not always be available to belay.

Movement 101:

Still can't stick that one move you need to complete your project? Having trouble figuring out how to grip that one hold? No problem! Come join our Movement 101 clinic and we will give you the tools to maximize your climbing and movement techniques.

Sign ups opening soon!

Private Lessons:

Ever wonder how some climbers can effortlessly send problems or routes that always elude you? Do you know what a drop-knee is? What about a gaston? Believe it or not, there is much more to climbing than getting to the top of the wall. Everyone has different climbing goals. The experienced and knowledgeable instructors at The Climbing Wall can help you move towards your climbing goals

$25hr Students / $35hr Members / $45hr Non-Members (Appointment Only)

Please contact us at to schedule a private lesson.

More classes coming soon!


Fall Term Hours

Mon - Thurs: 6:00am - 11:00pm
Friday: 6:00am - 10:00pm
Sat: 8:00am - 10:00pm
Sun: 10:00am - 10:00pm