Rules and Regulations

We reserve the right to add, delete or adapt a policy for the best interest of participant safety and facility management.
  • All users must abide by all posted regulations, signage and direction provided by program management.
  • Bulletin boards in the facilities are maintained by the Recreational Athletics Office.
  • All personal items must be stored in a locker or cubby provided.
  • Book-bags or extraneous items in hallways or pathways is prohibited.
  • Any activities (running, dancing, training, etc) may not take place in hallways.
  • Video or photography is prohibited without expressed approval of the Recreational Athletics office.
  • Hallways/bathroom/locker rooms and stairwells should be presentable.Please report problems/needs/concerns to the Welcome Center.
  • Shirts and closed toed shoes must be worn at all times; exposed torso (front and/or back) and cut-off shirts with gaps larger than three (3) inches are not permitted.
  • Audible music except by approved groups with Recreational Athletic permission is prohibited.
  • All visitors are welcome for tours or scheduled meetings, events or activities. However if someone wishes to utilize the facilities, visitors are subject to the guest pass policy.We do not allow spectators for club or intramural activities, unless previously planned and approved by Recreational Athletics.
  • The use of skateboards, roller blades, bikes, or the like are not permitted to be used in the facilities.
  • Use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or any illegal substances is prohibited. Any individual suspected of any such usage will be removed from the facility immediately.In addition, all activity subject to Drexel University policies and will be reported to Drexel Police as necessary.
  • All structured group activities must be scheduled through the Recreational Athletics’ Office.
  • Profanity will not be tolerated throughout the facility.
  • Any individuals violating access policies may be removed from facility immediately and reported to Drexel Police. This includes but not limited to: Opening a facility door to allow individuals in the facility, using another individual’s identification card, etc.
  • Group activity or training (3 or more) is prohibited unless pre-arranged with Recreational Athletic staff.
  • The facilities will secure its doors 15 minutes prior to close but allow individuals to leave by the closing hour.
  • Fighting, harassment, profanity, or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and will be reported to Drexel Police.
  • All patrons must check in and complete a waiver at the Climbing Wall desk before entering the climbing space.
  • Participants must be 16 years or older to use the Climbing Wall without the presence of a legal guardian. Minors are required to have a legal guardian sign a waiver and release of liability.
  • Belay cards must be worn and visible at all times.
  • Personal ropes, belay devices, or carabiners are not to be utilized at the climbing wall.
  • Only spill-resistant and shatter-proof drinking bottles are allowed in the climbing wall space.
  • Personal harnesses are allowed upon approval by the climbing wall staff.
  • Closed toed shoes are required at all times in the climbing wall space.
  • Shirts are required at all times in the climbing wall space
  • All rental equipment must remain within the climbing wall space.
  • Do not hold on to belay bars, lead climbing draws, or anchors at any time.
  • Patrons may not move, create, or tape climbing holds.
  • Bouldering is allowed only in the padded areas
  • Do not boulder under roped climbers
  • Only two active climbers per seven feet are permitted on the climbing wall at any time.
  • Spotting is encouraged for patrons bouldering. Down climbing is preferred.
  • Patrons are not permitted to boulder above 14 feet at hand height.
  • Any accident / incident must be reported immediately to the nearest Recreation Center Staff Member.
  • Climbing Wall Staff hold the right to revoke or suspend climbing wall privileges, for any reason, at any time.
  • Both rentable and day use lockers are available, as well as fitness area storage cubbies.
  • Day lockers and storage cubbies require a personal padlock and are for day use only. Please remove after your workout.At closing, padlocks on day use & fitness cubbies will be cut off, items bagged, and placed into lost and found for 7 business days, then discarded.
  • Day use lockers in the locker rooms are indicated by signage. Cubbies available on the Fitness Floors are Day Use only. Any other locker without a sign is available as a rental. Please see Member Services for availability.
  • Lockers may also be rented for the year and are first come first serve. When lockers expire, locks will be cut off, items bagged and stored for 30 days, then discarded.
  • Playing of any kind is not permitted in the locker rooms.
  • Lost and Found is located at the Daskalakis Athletic Center Entrance Booth.
  • Lockers must be secured & no belongings left unattended. Drexel is not responsible for any damaged property, lost or stolen items.
  • For privacy, usage of cell phones, cameras, and devices that capture pictures or video is prohibited while in locker rooms.
  • Locker rooms are to be kept clean an orderly. Please clean any unclean surface you may create.
  • A single-use locker room is available in the DAC, room 142, for any person.
  • Items secured in a cubby by another person’s lock is the responsibility of the owner.
  • Report any incidents or suspicious individuals/activity to Drexel Public Safety immediately.
  • Track direction/ running direction (clockwise or counter clockwise) changes daily to best maintain the track.
    • M-W-F-SU: counter-clockwise
    • T-TH-SA: clockwise
  • Track is 1/12 of a mile.
  • Railings are not to be used as stretching aid.
  • Do not block lanes & Please do not stretch in a lane.
  • No accessory equipment permitted (weights, physio-balls, etc).Do not carry anything that may obstruct another walking/running lane or injure another patron.
  • Track is not a viewing or spectator area for the gymnasium, unless reserved for such.All individuals should be walking or jogging.
  • Group activity or training (3 or more) is prohibited unless pre-arranged with Recreational Athletic staff.
  • Please use caution when entering and exiting the track. For safety reasons, please do not stop while on track. If you need to rest, please do so in one of the corner areas.
  • For safety, do not “sprint” when track is crowded; track intended for general fitness jogging/ walking and its size is not conductive for sprint workouts, relays, group workouts or the like.
  • As a general rule, slower walkers/ runners should stay in the inside lane and allow faster walkers/ runners to pass on the outside.
  • As a courtesy to others, avoid walking/ running “side by side”; no more than two abreast permitted when crowded as this restricts traffic flow.
  • Food and drink are not permitted (except water in a plastic bottle).
  • Proper athletic running shoes are required.
  • Be courteous and respectful of other runners.
  • DAC courts are for scheduled varsity, intramural and club events only. Only varsity men’s and women’s basketball players/alumni may use Cozen court when not scheduled.
  • Basketball & Volleyball games subject to house game rules in order to allow all time to play.
  • Proper athletic footwear and attire must be worn at all times.NO STREET SHOES, WORK BOOTS or any other shoes that may mark the floor.Shirts must be worn at all times.
  • Belongings should be stored in provided cubbies or lockers and not kept on the courts.
  • Side practices during intramural/club events is not permitted so as not to interfere with the event.
  • The use of the courts is limited to the boundary lines on the floor unless otherwise approved by Recreational Athletics.
  • Food and drink is not permitted on the playing courts, except water in a plastic bottle.
  • Basketballs left on the courts at the end of the day will be logged and the owner will be notified. Three (3) occurances will result in the equipment considered missing and a replacement fee will be charged.

All Members must be in compliance with all Drexel University policies. Please visit Drexel's Policy Directory for more information.

Refund Policy: Drexel Recreation Center memberships are non-refundable and cannot be placed on hold unless in cases of:

  • Formal leave of absence and sabbaticals (documented verification required)
  • Changes in medical condition resulting in physical limitations (physician documentation required)

Guest Policy: All guests within the community are welcome to purchase a guest pass during the hours of the Member Services desk.

  • Drexel faculty and staff with a valid DragonCard may sign themselves in for $5/day.
  • Drexel alumni may sign themselves in for $10/day with an alumni card and photo-ID.
  • The general guest pass fee is $15/day

Any guests that come in when the member services desk is closed are required to have a sponsor sign them in. (i.e. Member, Faculty/Staff, Alumni, Student)

All guests must be at least 18 years or older. If the guest is between the ages of 15 and 18, they must be accompanied by a legal guardian at all times. Photo ID is required.

Access Information: All members must present their Drexel Recreation Center Membership Card or DragonCard when accessing the Recreation Center facility. All Cards are non-transferrable.

If a Membership Card or DragonCard is presented by anyone other than the owner whose name appears on the card, Drexel Public Safety will be contacted, access will be denied, and your card will be taken away. We reserve the right to revoke membership if this occurs.

Lost Card: If one’s Membership Card and/or DragonCard is lost or stolen, a new card must be obtained in order to use the facility. To receive a new Recreation Center Membership Card visit the Member Services desk and present photo-ID. There is a $10 replacement fee for a lost or stolen card.

To receive a new DragonCard you must go to the DragonCard office located in the Creese Student Center. If a lost card is found after a new card has been issued, the previous card will no longer be valid and may not be used.

Renewing Memberships: Drexel Recreation Center memberships can be renewed by visiting the Member Services desk during hours of operation, or by calling 215.571.3830.

When renewing a couple membership, the Primary person on the account must be the one to renew if the two people cannot be present together.

Message to Parents/Guardians of Dependents:
Parents or guardians with dependents on their family membership are responsible for their dependents at all times while they’re in the Recreation Center or Daskalakis Athletic Center (DAC). In case of an injury, incident or emergency, or if your dependent has a question or concern, please know they can contact our staff and Security Officers who are present at both entrances—the Welcome Center at the Recreation Center and the Front Desk of the DAC. All areas of the facility have staff designated with two way radios to communicate questions or concerns at all times; there are also mobile Building Managers throughout the facilities to assist as needed. Lastly, there are also Emergency Phones located throughout the facility.

Lockers: Locker Rentals are available to members on a first come, first serve basis. All locker rentals are for one year from the date of purchase and must be paid in full. Prices vary upon size and destination of locker. Please visit the Member Services desk for more information on availability.

  • Day-Use Lockers: Day-use lockers are available at no charge on a first come, first serve basis. A limited number are available in both Rec & DAC locker rooms. Lockers available for day-use are labeled as such. Members must remove all items in day-use lockers when they leave the facility. If items are left overnight, locks will be cut and items removed.

Lost & Found: Any item found by our staff or turned in to our staff will be turned into lost and found, located in the DAC Security Booth. Items in lost and found will be discarded after 1 week if left unclaimed.

  • All valuables (wallets, ID, phone, jewelry, etc.) will be turned into Public Safety and items can be picked up at Drexel Police headquarters.
  • If missing an item, please let our staff in the DAC Security Booth know and they will log your name, item, date and contact information. If item is found, we will contact you to retrieve.

Equipment Rental: Equipment is available for rental at the Equipment Window, located on the first floor of the Recreation Center. With a valid DragonCard or Rec Center Membership Card, you can rent any equipment available for the day. All items must be returned by the patron that rented them on the same day they are rented and in good condition otherwise a replacement fee will apply.

  • Swimming only permitted when lifeguard is on duty.
  • Lap swimming only, unless otherwise programmed.Lap swim using “circle swim” method.
  • No diving permitted in lap pool & usage of the diving well is prohibited.
  • Usage of starting blocks is prohibited.
  • Group activity or training (three or more) is prohibited unless prearranged with the Coordinator of Aquatics and Safety or the Assistant Director of Recreation, Facilities.
  • No underwater swimming or prolonged holding of breath by swimmers.
  • Swimsuits are required.
  • Footwear is required when entering/leaving the aquatic area. i.e. locker rooms.
  • Running and/or pushing is prohibited.
  • Patrons must be able to swim one lap in the pool unassisted to use the facility. Persons who are “struggling” or do not demonstrate ability to swim safely will be asked to cease activity.Lifeguards reserve the right to make this decision and do offer swim lessons.
  • Food, drink, or chewing gum on pool deck is prohibited, except water in a plastic bottle. Glass bottles or sharp objects are not permitted around the pool deck.
  • All ground based lifting must be done with bumper plates (multicolored plates).
  • All strength equipment should remain in its designated location and not be moved or relocated.
  • Group activity or training (3 or more) is prohibited unless pre-arranged with Recreational Athletic staff.
  • Explosive overhead movements are prohibited, these include: Clean & Jerk, Clean & Press, Snatch & Power Snatch, Behind the Neck Press, Overhead Squat, Hang Clean, etc.
  • Weights must be controlled to the floor, dropping or slamming of weights will not be tolerated.
  • Equipment is to only be used for its intended purpose.
  • Please refrain from monopolizing cardio equipment. Limit use to 30 minutes during peak hours.
  • The use of outside equipment is not permitted.
  • Use of chalk (both liquid and powder) is not permitted.
  • Patrons must re-rack all weights after use to their appropriately labeled location.
  • Please wipe equipment down before and after each use.
  • Food and drink is not permitted on the fitness floors, except for water in a plastic container.
  • Protein shakes and powders must be kept in or on the cubbies.
  • Shirts and closed toe shoes must be worn at all times; exposed torso (front and/or back) and cut-off shirts with gaps larger than three inches are not permitted.
  • Excessive dress is prohibited, including sauna suites and multi-layered clothing.
  • At no time should a person’s body go above any piece of equipment.
  • Do not stand on upholstery.
  • Belongings must be kept out of walk-ways and heavily travelled areas. Storage cubbies and lockers are available for use.
  • Use of weighted vests and Vo2 masks are not permitted.
  • The use of the heavy bag is for boxing style exercises only. Hand coverings are required to use the heavy bag.
  • We reserve the right to enforce other policies as is deemed appropriate for a safe and friendly environment.

Broken, damaged or malfunctioning equipment should be reported immediately to the Fitness Floor staff or Welcome Center staff.

  • Please bring a towel to class and clean the equipment after each workout.
  • Exercise classes are first come first serve, except for classes with pre-registration.We reserve the right to restrict classes for students, faculty, staff and members only.
  • Physical contact due to fighting, wrestling, sparring, etc. is not permitted.
  • All activities are for students, faculty, staff, facility members, academic programs and recognized student organizations only.Coaches/instructors must be approved by the Recreational Athletics Office.
  • Food and drink permitted in studios (plastic bottled water is permitted.)
  • Appropriate footwear (non-marking) must be worn except during Yoga
  • Do not lean on mirrors.
  • Groups must submit requests for reserved time through DragonLink and be approved to use the studios.
  • Participants will not be admitted into class after the first 5 minutes the class has started.
  • Fitness Floor mats may not be used during group exercise classes.
  • Both group exercise studios are available for use when there are no events scheduled. However, equipment from the studios is not to be used for activities other than structured classes.
  • Use of the sound tower for activities that are not group exercise classes is prohibited.
  • Report any broken or out of order equipment to the instructor or Fitness Floor staff.
  • Squash is the only sport permitted on squash courts.
  • Be courteous and do not monopolize courts.Please limit play to 1 hour when others are waiting to play.
  • Protective eyewear is strongly recommended.
  • Food or drink is not permitted on the courts.
  • Only squash shoes may be worn on courts.
  • Maximum of two (2) active players are allowed at one time on the courts.
  • Court reservations can be made 24 hours in advance by calling the Welcome Center at 215.571.3777.


Fall Term Hours

Mon - Thurs: 6:00am - 11:00pm
Friday: 6:00am - 10:00pm
Sat: 8:00am - 10:00pm
Sun: 10:00am - 10:00pm