Fitness Assessments

At the Drexel University Recreation Center, each and every client begins their training process with an assessment of their current physical state. Fitness assessments calculate exercisers' baselines and serve as tools to track physical fitness progress and health improvements. An assessment can determine physical strong-points and areas for improvement. Not only can fitness assessments help beginners get started on improving their health, but aide seasoned exercisers to build upon their previous and usual routines.

Assessment Types

Wellness Consultation

Make an appointment with a qualified professional to discuss and analyze your current habits related to exercise, nutrition, tobacco, safety and stress; and work together to create obtainable health and wellness goals.

Fitness Assessment

Fitness assessments entail many popular fitness tests for muscle strength, muscle endurance and flexibility, as well as health tests like body composition, blood pressure and cardiovascular fitness. Our fitness assessment includes data entry and use of cutting edge fitness software that provides printed results and assessment outcomes on the spot. Some of the tests include:

  • Body fat, blood pressure, height, weight
  • Maximal strength and strength endurance tests
  • Functional movement screen
  • Flexibility and manual muscle testing
  • Bio-electrical impedance

How to Get Started

Each assessment can be purchased individually or can be included in a personal training package. For information about rates and scheduling, please contact Member Services at 215.571.3830 or


Fall Term Hours

Mon - Thurs: 6:00am - 11:00pm
Friday: 6:00am - 10:00pm
Sat: 8:00am - 10:00pm
Sun: 10:00am - 10:00pm