Defining the role of a media mentor in Philadelphia's Free Library System

Presenting Author: Danielle Erkoboni-Wilbur, MD, University of Pennsylvania


Background: Libraries play a central role for urban youth. To this end, children's librarians represent a strong potential resource for urban families to create learning opportunities for young children, especially around digital media.

Objectives: The need for media mentorship programs for librarians has been well cited, yet few cities have supported librarians in this role. This study sought to understand Philadelphia librarians’ knowledge and perceptions about mentoring young children and families around digital media, and explore existing library resources in urban areas across the United States (U.S.).

Methods: Children’s librarians at 30 Philadelphia libraries, representing the diverse neighborhoods of Philadelphia, participated in interviews discussing current practices around digital learning, attitudes and beliefs around media use for children and perceived self-efficacy in the role of digital media mentor. Participants were additionally shown sample programs from US urban areas and asked to reflect on their application in Philadelphia. Transcripts were coded using grounded theory and emergent themes were reviewed by library staff.

Results: Philadelphia’s libraries have few programs in place to foster parent-child joint engagement around digital media, although this is a resource frequently requested by parents. While librarians are asked to provide support to families around digital media routinely, and feel motivated to serve in this role, they have limited tools and knowledge for support and training.

Implications: The results of this investigation will be used to create new and lasting programs within the Philadelphia Free Library system, which can then serve as model programs in other urban areas.

Authors: Danielle Erkoboni-Wilbur, MD, and Annie Ma, Research Assistant.