A Cross Sectional Analysis of Chronic Conditions within the Asian Population of Philadelphia using HealthShare Exchange Data; New Insights for Community Health Needs Assessments

Presenting Author: Karla Geisse, HealthShare Exchange


Background: The Asian population within Philadelphia, and to some extent within the entire nation, is typically under-represented within Community Health Needs Assessments due to the lack of data available specific to this population with the current methods of surveillance (phone surveys, census track data, etc.).

Objectives: To identify specific health outcomes and indicators displayed within the Philadelphia Asian population living within the Jefferson Community Benefit Area, and to build a community health profile to evaluate health risks and disparities. To gain better insight to the health status of the Asian population within Thomas Jefferson University Hospital's defined Community Benefit Area in order to develop and target interventions for this population.

Methods: Electronic medical record data from numerous healthcare institutions within the HealthShare Exchange's Clinical Database Repository (CDR) was parsed by zip code and race/ethnicity (from January 1st 2016 through May 1st 2017) yielding a limited data set at the provider-encounter level with specific demographic and health parameters, included for the purposes of a cross-sectional analysis of the most prominent diagnoses.

Results: Research in progress and will be completed by July 31, 2017.

Implications: This analysis will yield insight to the health needs of this Asian population for the development of tailored interventions and aid. This analysis will serve as a use case for conducting Community Health Needs Assessments with the regional health information exchange data."

Authors: Karla Geisse and Rakesh Mathew, MBA, MS.