Drexel UHC announces the launch of a new data brief

The brief explores spatial, temporal, and population patterns of cutting meals among those who are obese

Data Brief: Patterns of Obesity and Cutting Meals in Philadelphia

The Drexel Urban Health Collaborative announced the launch of a new data brief, released May 2018.

Titled “Patterns of Obesity and Cutting Meals in Philadelphia,” the brief explores patterns of obesity and cutting meals in Philadelphia, specifically focusing on spatial, temporal and population patterns.

Data in the brief were compiled from the Southeastern Pennsylvania Household Health Survey (SPHHS), administered by the Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC). The Core Food Security question, which focused on cutting the size of or skipping meals because there was not enough money, was the survey’s sole measure spanning multiple years; it is for this reason that this brief uses the question to measure food insecurity among Philadelphians who are obese.

In addition to addressing key issues affecting patterns of obesity and cutting meals in Philadelphia, the brief explores:

  • Characteristics of Philadelphians who report both obesity and cutting meals;
  • Philadelphia neighborhoods with both high counts of obesity and high numbers of people cutting meals;
  • Perceived access to healthy foods within Philadelphia neighborhoods; and,
  • Policies, programs, and initiatives in place to address food insecurity and obesity.

The data brief was revealed at the Philadelphia Public Health Grand Rounds, hosted by the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. This year’s topic was Obesity and Its Prevention in Philadelphia. Held at the Mütter Museum on May 16. 2018, the event “brought together experts from the local public health community to discuss how barriers to healthy eating and physical activity can lead to childhood, adolescent, and adult obesity.”

To view or print “Patterns of Obesity and Cutting Meals in Philadelphia,” visit Resources on the Urban Health Collaborative website. For additional information and questions, please contact the Urban Health Collaborative at uhc@drexel.edu.