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Steering Committee

7.1 The Steering Committee shall be composed of the Chair, the Vice-Chair and the Recording Secretary of the Senate and the chairs of the standing committees of the Senate. Whenever the membership of the Steering Committee is such that an academic unit is not represented, the Senators of that academic unit shall elect one of their number to the Steering Committee. If a member of the Steering Committee cannot attend a meeting, he/she shall designate an alternate, under these terms: i. If the absentee serves on the Steering Committee as chair of a standing committee, the alternate must be another Senator from that committee. ii. If the absentee serves on the Steering Committee as an academic unit representative, the alternate must be another Senator or elected alternate from that academic unit. The newly elected members of the Steering Committee shall assume office on the first day of September of the next academic year. To be eligible for membership (either as a member or as an alternate) on the Steering Committee, the individual must be a tenured faculty member or hold the rank of Associate Professor or higher.


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Standing Committee Chairs:

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Steering Committee Members:

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