Travel Grants
Undergraduate Research & Enrichment Programs supports undergraduate student researchers who have been accepted to present their work at local, national, and international conferences. Undergraduate students who have been accepted to present work at such events can submit applications for partial travel funding. We are able to offer up to $500 in reimbursements for students traveling to conferences that are less than 2,500 miles away and up to $750 in reimbursements for students traveling to conferences that are more than 2,500 miles away (or in international locations). There is a limit of $1,250 in total conference travel grants per student per year.
With our funding, students have been able to attend conferences such as:
- the American Institute of Chemical Engineers’ National Conference (Atlanta, GA)
- the Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists (Chattanooga, TN)
- the PMI Research & Education Conference (Portland, OR)
- the American Biophysical Society Conference (Baltimore, MD)
- the Mid-Atlantic Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (College Park, MD)
- the Joint Journalism & Communication in History Conference (New York, NY)
- the Biophysical Society National Conference (San Francisco, CA)
Travel grant recipients share their experiences on the UREP Blog.
Explore the UREP Blog
Students who are awarded funding are responsible for retaining and submitting original receipts up to (or in excess of) the amount they have been awarded in order to receive their reimbursement.
When submitting receipts for reimbursement, please review the procedures below. Receipts can be submitted to Receipts must be submitted within 45 days of the end of travel. Failure to submit receipts per procedure can result in delayed payment.
Submit an Online Grant Application
Procedures for submitting receipts:
Travel grants are awarded via reimbursement. Please save all original receipts that you are submitting for reimbursement and submit them promptly upon return. The maximum you will be reimbursed is the amount you were awarded, even if you submit receipts that total above this amount. You do not need to spend the entire award.
Reimbursable expenses are limited to transportation, lodging, your meals, and conference registration. UREP is committed to being financially responsible, and we expect you to consider your spending wisely. Expenses such as entertainment, meals for others, and souvenirs are not covered. If an expense is deemed outside of the scope of eligibility for reimbursement, UREP will return that receipt to you. If you have a question about an expense, please email
Receipts must have the following information:
- Your name
- Amount
- Method of payment
- Type of expense; i.e., lodging or meal
If you are unable to obtain a receipt with this information, please submit a redacted bank statement, with your full name and the transaction shown. All other information can be blacked out.
Receipts should be submitted in the following manner:
- For electronic receipts: Save file with following naming convention: Last name,First name_TravelGrantReceipts.pdf
- For hard copy receipts: Tape all loose receipts to an 8.5” x 11” piece of paper. You may tape multiple receipts to one sheet of paper, but please use only one side of the paper. Write your name, Drexel ID, and total in dollars for the receipts on that sheet on each sheet of receipts. Please paperclip sheets together (do not staple).
- Submit all receipts together to Undergraduate Research & Enrichment Programs (email to or in person at Bentley Hall, 2nd Floor)
Funds will be disbursed in a check via mail or through direct deposit (if you currently have direct deposit set up with Drexel). Checks are mailed to the address on file in your student record (Drexel One, Address of Record). Typical processing time is approximately 3-4 weeks. You must submit receipts within 45 days of the end of travel. Failure to submit receipts through this method can result in delayed payment.
Procedure for submitting blog posts and photos:
All travel grant recipients are required to submit a blog post or testimonial and photo through the form below. If you fail to submit these items, you will not be reimbursed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
Submit Your Blog Post and Photo