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DAAD Research Internships in Science & Engineering (RISE)

DAAD RISE is a summer internship program for undergraduate students from North America, Great Britain, and Ireland in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, and engineering. RISE offers unique opportunities for undergraduate students to work with research groups at universities and top research institutions across Germany for a period of 2 to 3 months during the summer.

RISE interns are matched with doctoral students whom they assist and who serve as their mentors. The working language will be English. All scholarship holders receive a monthly stipend, insurance, and assistance with international travel costs.

Who Should Apply?

To be eligible, you must:

  • be currently enrolled at a university/college in the United States, Canada, the UK or Ireland
  • be majoring in biology, chemistry, computer science, physics, earth sciences or engineering (or a closely related field)
  • be a sophomore, pre-junior, or junior (have completed at least two years of undergrad by the start of the summer internship, and have at least one year of undergrad remaining)

DAAD RISE is open to citizens of all countries.

DAAD RISE recipients typically have:

  • a strong academic record
  • previous research experience in their field of interest
  • outstanding communication skills (German language proficiency is not required)

How to Apply

There is no required campus endorsement or application process for DAAD RISE, but Drexel applicants are encouraged to seek support on their application from fellowships advisors. See our Fellowships Resource Page on DAAD for more information (Drexel login required).

Students who are interested in participating in RISE for co-op can apply for the Research Fellowship Supplement Program (RFSP), which provides guaranteed funding for an on-campus research co-op regardless of acceptance to RISE. Additional deadlines apply, see our Fellowships Resource Page on RFSP for more information.

More Information

More information about DAAD RISE, including application resources and sample application materials, is available on the Drexel Fellowships Resource Site.

For official information on DAAD RISE (which supersedes any information provided here) and access to the RISE internship database and online application, please visit the DAAD RISE website.

Related awards:

DAAD Rise Pro (for graduate students); Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX)Fulbright U.S. Student Program; Gilman Scholarship

Last updated: September 2024


  • November 30, 2024 

Fields of Study:

  • Biology; Chemistry; Physics; Earth Sciences; Engineering

Program Type:

  • Co-op Compatible
  • Research
  • Global Experience

Program Length:

  • Short term (less than one year)
  • Summer Only

Degree Level:

  • Undergrad


  • Germany


  • US Citizen/National
  • US Permanent Resident
  • Citizen of another country