Robert Ellenberg
Drexel/UPENN NSF Integrated Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) 2007
Mechanical Engineering PhD, 2012
Robert is a 4th year PhD Candidate, working in the Drexel Autonomous Systems Lab (DASL). During the summer of 2007, Robert traveled to the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology for a 10 week EAPSI fellowship. At the Hubo Lab, Robert worked with researchers who created a state-of-the-art humanoid robot. By developing tutorials for it's mechanical and electrical construction, his summer fellowship marked the start of DASL's 4 year relationship with the Hubo lab that has since led to 3 EAPSI fellowships and over 10 undegraduate coops from Drexel and Virginia Tech. Currently Robert is researching whole-body locomotion and motion planning to improve a humanoid robot's robustness.