The Friends That Study Together Stay Together
February 28, 2013
Posted on May 20, 2013 by Alissa Falcone (Drexel News Blog)

Friday night parties took on a whole new meaning when Kailey Kluge, a pre-junior international area studies student, and Alex Sevit, biomedical engineering BS/MS ’15 and Goldwater Scholar, were filling out their respective scholarship applications. “We would snuggle up in PJs and bake cookies and review each other’s essays,” said Kluge, who also minors in Russian and political science.
But the friend-reader, rather than peer-reader, idea was instigated long before the winter of 2012-2013. Sevit and Kluge, along with close friends Claudia Gutierrez, a pre-junior biomedical engineering BS/MS, and Nick Stropko, a pre-junior communications major with a concentration in corporate and public relations and minors in marketing and business administration, all became friends freshman year while living in Millennium Hall, Drexel’s Honors dorm, and have been urging each other forward ever since.
Read the full article.