Trauma and Healing

Changing the Narrative to Change the Policy: Ending Hunger in America


This brief represents the insight and expertise of people with lived experience and their solutions to address poverty and hunger in America.

Policy Solutions to End Hunger in America: Calling on the White House for Radical Strategy Change


This policy brief outlines the solutions necessary to make true and lasting change regarding food insecurity and diet-related health through both specific programmatic changes and larger-scale philosophical shifts. 

Challenges and Solutions to Public Assistance System Alignment: How Trauma-informed Programming Unveiled Barriers to Aligning TANF and Medicaid


Cross-sector collaboration and systems alignment in public benefit systems can improve the effectiveness of these programs, address social determinants of health, improve family well-being, and create a more equitable society. This brief highlights a number of challenges identified in aligning public benefits such as TANF and Medicare and offers proposed solutions to address them. 

Public Health Rationale for Divesting from Police 


This policy brief provides an argument for defunding the Philadelphia Police Department by examining city's proposed fiscal year 2022 budget. It provides recommendation on diverting funding to other city resources to more effectively address the major public health issues impacting Philadelphia, including violence.

Reducing Food Insecurity Without Food: Trauma-Informed Financial Education Program Improves Food Security


This 2020 report shows that participation in a trauma-informed educational program reduced the odds of household food insecurity for families with low or no income.

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Household Food Insecurity


This research report shows that families reporting Adverse Childhood Experiences, such as domestic violence, neighborhood violence, and family substance abuse, were much more likely to experience household food insecurity.

Systemic Oppression and Trauma: Why Healing-centered, Two-generation Approaches are Crucial to Poverty Alleviation


Systemic racism and discrimination have been found to be root causes of poverty and hunger in the US. This 2019 report looks at healing-centered, two-generation approaches as an important part of addressing economic insecurity imposed by systemic oppression and trauma. 

Aligning Systems to Build a Culture of Health: Integrating TANF and Medicaid to Achieve Wealth and Health


Public support programs that aim to improve employment and financial wellbeing should be better coordinated to provide more effective services and reduce costs. This Building Wealth and Health Network brief demonstrates the effectiveness of integrating behavioral health components into financial programming.

Trauma-Informed TANF: A Randomized Controlled Trial with a Two-Generation Impact


This 2018 report highlights the positive impact of incorporating trauma-informed peer support into financial education and standard TANF programming. 

Mother's Adversity and Their Children's Development Risk


This 2017 Children's HealthWatch research brief highlights the impact of maternal childhood trauma on their children's health.

Childhood Adversity and Food Insecurity in Adulthood: Intergenerational Transfer of Hardship


The more adverse childhood experiences a caregiver reports, the more likely she is to report more severe forms of food insecurity, according to this Children's HealthWatch brief.

The Relationship Between Childhood Adversity and Food Insecurity


The childhood stress study report released in 2015 investigated the relationship between adverse childhood experiences—including abuse, neglect, and household instability—and food security status.