Heartfelt Insights on Public Health Practice from the Dornsife Community

Dornsife School of Public Health

February 29, 2024

During the month of February, the Collective Resilience Fellows at the Dornsife School of Public Health facilitated an activity that explored the power of love in public health through two writing prompts. Public health students, staff, and faculty stopped by Nesbitt Hall’s Collaboratory to write down their thoughts and add them to a colorful and moving “Wall of Wellness” heart collage.

In addition to the Wall of Wellness, the fellows also organized an event titled "Listening from the Heart." This event was dedicated to fostering genuine connections through active listening and emotional expression. Facilitated by Alie Huxta, Korah Lovelace, and Sherita Mouzon, each trained professionals from the Center for Hunger-Free Communities, the event created a safe space where every voice was valued and every emotion was acknowledged.

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