Reducing Child Poverty by Expanding Child Tax Credits


July 21, 2021

Checks are rolling out to families under President Biden’s expanded child tax credit. Nine in 10 children – or roughly 60 million – qualify for the benefit that gives parents up to $300 per child per month through the end of 2021. Researchers say this money could have an enormous impact on families, lifting 45% of children out of poverty. In the U.S., 16% of children live at poverty levels and in Philadelphia, which has the highest poverty rates of any large American city, that number is even higher at 37%. This hour, we discuss child poverty in America and the potential for the child tax credit. Guests  on the show include Center for Hunger-Free Communities Director Mariana Chilton, Princeton University’s Kathryn Edin, and Philadelphia parents and Building Wealth and Health Network members, Imani Sullivan and Alisha Gillespie.

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