Get Involved

Woman picking up grocery pages at a food pantry

In order to end hunger and economic insecurity, everyone needs to get involved. Below are a number of suggestions on how you can join the Center to make real change.

Learn more

Learn more about the issues and policies that affect hunger and poverty by reviewing our research, including peer reviewed publications, policy briefs and research reports. Sign up for the Center newsletter to stay up to date on current events and issues.

Advocate for yourself and others

Stand up and speak out on your needs and the needs of your community. Educate your family, friends and community about poverty and hunger and what concerns you. Share information on your social media on issues of concern within your community and nationally.

Share personal experiences with hunger and poverty

Engage those in your community experiencing hunger and poverty firsthand to learn more, provide them opportunities to share their experience and become a better advocate. Anyone can be a witness to the impact of poverty and hunger in their community.

Connect with your leaders 

Reach out to your Senate and House representatives and local leaders in your community to educate them about the issues and the importance of addressing hunger in your community and in the United States. Write letters, call representatives or go to local meetings to share your support for efforts to reduce hunger and poverty.

Share your talents and your time

If you have the time, volunteer with a local agency to help augment their workforce. Offer your skills to help others by providing job training, teaching literacy, staffing a food pantry or teaching computer skills. 

Share your resources

If you are able to monetarily support the work of the many organizations addressing hunger and poverty, it is greatly needed. Also consider donating to the Center or one of its programs to expand its reach. See the support page for further information.

Share your ideas

The Center is always open to new ideas. There are so many different ways to work to bring an end to hunger in the United States. Contact us with your thoughts.