
Media and Speaker Requests

Contact or fill out our media request form for all interview and guest speaker requests. Be sure to include as much detail as possible about what you are looking for including time, date, location, topic, format (print, web, radio, TV, etc.) and specific speaker/interviewee if known.

Volunteer Opportunities

The Center does not currently have any traditional volunteer opportunities related to its projects. Many organizations in the Philadelphia area offer volunteer opportunities related to reducing hunger and economic insecurity. These opportunities and others can be found on a number of websites including:

Project-specific Inquiries

To request information, have questions answered or contact staff from one of the Center's current or past projects, refer to the list below for the appropriate contact information. 

Building Wealth and Health Network

  • 267.359.6237
  • 215.876.0176 (text)

Trauma and Healing Workshops and Consulting

Witnesses to Hunger

Inquiries and requests seeking active members of Witnesses to Hunger should contact one of the below active sites of the program:

Inquiries regarding inactive sites, research, past events or programs, starting or restarting a site, use of the "Witnesses to Hunger" trademark:

Children's HealthWatch

EAT Café

The EAT Café is no longer an active project and is not accepting requests for use of the space located at 3820 Lancaster Ave. All other requests and inquiries should be directed to the main Center staff:

Grow Clinic

The Grow Clinic located at St. Christopher's Hospital is now closed. Children experiencing failure to thrive are now being referred to other physicians at St. Christopher's Hospital.

General Center Inquiries

General inquiries regarding supporting the Center through monetary support, research-related requests, partnership opportunities, and other general requests not covered above can be referred to the Center's main contact:

Please direct any questions or media request regarding The Painful Truth About Hunger in America (MIT Press) by Center founder Mariana Chilton directly to