OGC-4 Frequently Asked Questions

General Policy

Who is responsible for record management?

There are so many records, how do I know which ones apply to the policy?

How do I know whether my department is responsible for a particular University Record?

There are so many schedules. How am I supposed to find a particular University Record in the schedule?

I cannot find a University Record on the schedule. What do I do?

Records That May Be Relevant to Legal Actions

I have records or correspondence relating to a situation that I think may relate to an actual or potential lawsuit or other government action? Should I keep it or get rid of it?

What happens if I know records were or will be destroyed and they may have been related to an actual or potential lawsuit or other government action?

Electronic Records & E-mail

Does record retention apply to electronic records?

My department is the Custodian of Record for certain University Records that are in hardcopy form and/or other electronic form that the policy requires to be retained in hardcopy form. My department wants to become paperless. Can these University Records be scanned and stored electronically?

My department is the Custodian of Record for certain University Records. Can we scan the University Record and then store the original hard copy University Record in storage? Is this okay?

My department has contracts and other paper documents with signatures. Can we scan them and destroy the original paper documents? Is a scanned copy of a paper document legally valid?

Can I digitize paper copies of real estate documents, such as sales or leases?

I have notarized paper documents with a stamp or seal. Can I digitize them?

What about signed documents relating to intellectual property (patents, copyrights, etc.)? Can my department scan them and destroy the originals?

If my department scans a signed document, does that change the retention schedule for the document?

Why isn’t the IT Department responsible for electronic records?

Who is responsible for retaining e-mail? Shouldn’t the IT Department be responsible?

Do emails have retention periods? And if so, how do I determine the retention period?

Record Storage / University’s Designated Off-Site Storage (DocuVault)

Why can’t I send all my records to University Archives or the College of Medicine’s Legacy Center? Why aren't they responsible for maintaining all University Records?

My department’s records are currently retained in an on-campus facility that does not meet policy requirements. Can this space be “grandfathered” into the policy?

I do not have the personnel, budget or resources to comply with the policy. My budget does not allocate for off-site storage, proper destruction services, or additional staff time to handle records management.

What resources and services are available to my department? What services does DocuVault provide?

Record Destruction

What is the proper way to destroy hardcopy records?

What is the proper way to destroy e-mails and electronic documents (e.g. Word documents, Excel, pdfs)?

What is the proper way to destroy University Records contained in a University centrally managed database system (e.g. Banner, AllScripts, etc.)?

My department’s records expire at different times during the year. I do not have the resources to timely destroy records throughout the year. How can I manage destroying these records in a timely way?

Historic Records

At what point do I contact the University Archives or the College of Medicine’s Legacy Center?

University Archives and the College of Medicine Legacy Center only want old stuff, right?

What kinds of materials does the Archives want?