Fall Winter 2016 Workgroup
This spring and summer, the ExCITe Center was happy to welcome four new co-ops to the Workgroup, who developed their projects as their time in these positions progressed.
App Lab Assistant
AJ Beckner
AJ created tutorials in Swift and Android development to teach aspiring programmers. Working with the Westphal College's Professor Neville Bakharia, AJ worked with the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to develop MuseumStat, a mapping program to discover how many museums exist in the United States. AJ also worked on the APPLab Outreach Campaign, in which he met with students across Drexel's departments to encourage them to visit the APPLab.
AJ worked on MusuemStat, a program that aggregates all the museums in the US onto one map.
Civic Innovation Co-op
Madeline Demas
Madeline worked with Digital On Rails, writing tutorials and designing the badge to be used in conjuction with LRNG. She worked with Summer Music Technology, a summer program for rising high school sophomores and juniors, creating videos and outlining the program's communication procedures. Madeline also recorded the ExCITeCast and managed the ExCITe Center's Twitter account.
The STEAM logo designed by Madeline.
EGS Co-op
Jeff Mostyn
As the EGS Co-op, Jeff developed a variant of Frogger in the Python language. He updated Ciraweb, an online tool that allows for development of games to be used on the side of the Cira Center. Jeff also planned workshops for the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania, in which scouts learn computer science through game design.

Jeff worked to develop an editor and emulator to develop games on the Cira Center through Skyscraper Games.
EGS Co-op
Keano Osmillo
Keano focused on event support and graphics development for EGS - focused on Skyscraper Games, the web-platform that provides a simulator and coding environment for the development of video games scaled for the Cira Center.
Keano also worked on Skyscraper Games, focusing on the graphical side of development.