Maternity “Smart Fabric Bellyband” to Monitor Uterine Activity and Assess Fetal Well-being

(G. Dion, A. Fontecchio, O. Montgomery, T. Kurzweg, and K. Dandekar)

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Abstract: A fetal monitor that measures the baby’s vital signs is an important tool to assess fetal wellbeing. The goal of this project is to leverage recent advances in knitted smart fabrics and wireless electronics to develop a new wireless telemetry technology that reduces bulk, improves comfort, and enables greater mobility in pregnant women. The proposed technology involves the creation of a washable knitted smart fabric maternity “bellyband” to detect and monitor key physiological parameters of the mother and the fetus to enable early detection and immediate warning of a developing fetus or pregnancy complications. The bellyband will be soft, comfortable, and safe while providing freedom of movement to the pregnant woman. The bellyband will provide an improvement in current pregnancy monitoring standards in hospitals.