The Coulter–Drexel program supports a wide range of immersive learning from undergraduate to post-doctorate level opportunities.
Commercialization Seminar Series
For over seven years, Coulter has partnered with the Close School of Entrepreneurship to provide a curriculum for new and returning faculty, advising them at each step of the process.
The Commercialization Seminar for Academic Innovators is a Drexel educational program designed for the Coulter-Drexel Translational Research Partnership Program. The Commercialization Seminar is designed to help educate academic innovators on certain aspects of new product commercialization, providing a learning experience about how to transform innovations into successful products and services.
Upon completion of the Commercialization Seminar, researchers and their teams should be able to:
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of various approaches to technology commercialization.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the Lean Startup methodology.
- Draft a prospective business model.
- Design business model validation experiments through customer interviews.
- Improve the quality of Coulter Program proposals and become more capital efficient with awards.
Close School of Entrepreneurship | Drexel University
Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series
Each quarter, the Coulter program sponsors a speaker who is working in the field of translational research and design.
Student Opportunities
Undergraduate Opportunities: Students Tackling Advanced Research (STAR) Scholars Summer Program
Special funding has been allocated to help support undergraduate research in Coulter funded labs.
The STAR Scholars Program is an opportunity for highly motivated first-year students to engage in an early faculty-mentored undergraduate research, scholarship, or creative experience during the summer after their first year. This highly competitive program seeks to identify and encourage students to participate in a hands-on approach to their education through undergraduate research.
Students who participate in the STAR Scholars Program earn a stipend and live in free, on-campus housing for the summer term while completing 350 hours of faculty-mentored activity. Their summer experience culminates with a poster presentation at the annual STAR Scholars Summer Showcase.
For more information, please visit STAR Scholars.
If you are a Coulter-funded faculty member and are interested in hosting a Coulter-funded STAR Scholar in your lab for Summer 2023, please contact Jaya Mohan by March 1, 2023 for details and further information.
Graduate Opportunities: Coulter Fellowship Program
The Coulter Fellowship Program is an innovative opportunity to work with research teams, as well as to seamlessly learn about the industry landscape for upcoming biomedical technologies. Qualified students obtain hands-on experience with the commercialization process in translating a technology from university laboratories to the real world.
Graduate Opportunities: Post-Doctorate Program
This program is open to those who are seeking advanced research training in a lab supported by the Coulter-Drexel Translational Partnership program, or those seeking to commercialize a technology in the healthcare space. While enrolled, training is provided on commercialization, leadership, and networking skills. Approximately 20% of salary support (based on NIH NRSA levels, $10,968-$13,320) is provided.
For more information, please contact Ken Barbee.