Funded Projects

Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Logo

The following summary introduces active projects funded by Drexel’s Coulter Translational Partners Grant Program over the past five years. During this period the Program has invested more than $5 million in translational research aimed at advancing Drexel’s biomedical technologies toward commercialization, and established a systematic process for project selection and monitoring, which is guided by the Coulter Program Director’s office and the team of advisors consisting of investors and industry and regional economic development agencies’ representatives. This program was originated and sponsored by the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation, and in recognition of our accomplishments, in April of 2011, the program was endowed with $10M from the Coulter Foundation has endowed and an equal match from Drexel University, to support our program in perpetuity.

The Program continues selecting and funding new projects, and is always looking for:

  • licensees for the unlicensed projects;
  • investors for the startups and small companies that licensed our technologies; and
  • mentors for the projects and participants in our oversight committee meetings.

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Concentration Areas

Gene Engineering and Next Generation Sequencing