Instrument Search Tool

This search tool is designed to connect researchers with research instruments on campus. The equipment posted here is shared, but availability and access are the discretion of the managing units. Please reach out to the designated point of contact for more information about each instrument.

If you have a shared research instrument that you would like to add to this listing, please contact Craig Johnson at

Chromatography - Waters Breeze 2 High Performance Liquid Chromatograph

High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Ion Exclusion, Ion Exchange, Reverse Phase, Size Exclusion

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Digital Darkroom - Protein Simple FluorChem E Digital Darkroom

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Flow Cytometry - BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer

Laser based measurement of chemical and physical status of cells through counting, sorting, biomarkers and protein engineering. 4 Color optical filters for measurement of FITC/GFP, PE/PI, PerCP, PerCP-Cy, PE-Cy7, APC

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Gene Sequencing - nanoString nCounter Analysis System RNA Expression Analyzer

For targeted quantitative nucleic acid analyses, can look up up to 800 targets simultaneously. Targets mRNA, miRNA IncRMA, ChiP-string analysis and DNA (CNV).

Facility: Genomics Core Facility - New College Building, 17th Floor, Center City

Managing Org: College of Medicine

Contact: Azad Ahmed, MD

High Performance Computing - Dell Isilon Persistent High Capacity Storage

Dell EMC PowerScale Isilon scale-out storage – 649 TB usable capacity utilizing 10 Gbps Ethernet

Facility: University Research Computing Facility - Curtis Hall, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: David Chin, PhD

High Performance Computing - Dell PowerEdge C4140 GPU Nodes

Dell PowerEdge C4140 servers with 2x Intel Xeon Platinum 8260 2.4 GHz 24-core, 192 GiB RAM, 4x NVIDIA V100-SXM2 NvLink 32GiB

Facility: University Research Computing Facility - Curtis Hall, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: David Chin, PhD

High Performance Computing - Dell PowerEdge R640 Large Memory Nodes

Dell PowerEdge R640 servers with 2x Intel Xeon Platinum 8268 2.90 GHz 24-core, 1,536 GiB RAM

Facility: University Research Computing Facility - Curtis Hall, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: David Chin, PhD

High Performance Computing - Dell PowerEdge R640 Standard Compute Nodes

Dell PowerEdge R640 servers with 2x Intel Xeon Platinum 8268 2.90 GHz 24-core, 192 GiB RAM

Facility: University Research Computing Facility - Curtis Hall, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: David Chin, PhD

Image Analysis - Dell PC Workstation

Computer workstation dedicated to image processing and analysis software including Imaris, Volocity, Slidebook 6, FV10-ASW, Zen 2010 and Image J.

Facility: Cell Imaging Center - PISB B401.A1, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Harini Sreenivasappa, PhD

Laboratory Equipment - Tuttnauer 3870 Autoclave

Used to sterilize a wide variety of surgical and research materials

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building , Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Materials Characterization - Mettler Toledo Thermogravimetric Analyzer -- Differential Scanning Calorimeter

As the temperature of the sample is changed, thermogravimetric Analysis can track the changes in the mass of the sample and Differential Scanning Calorimetry can track the changes in the heat flow to and from a sample.

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Mechanical Testing - BOSE Electroforce 3200 Load Frame Mechanical Tester

Tabletop load frame rated up to 225 N (50 lbs) for static and dynamic testing of biological tissues and biocompatible materials in Tension or Compressions. Extensometer accessory enables 2-D measurement of material distortion under load. Water bath accessory enables testing of samples at controlled temperatures

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Mechanical Testing - Brookfield CAP 2000+ Viscometer -- High Temperature

Viscometer measurement of small sample size (10-100ul)

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Mechanical Testing - MTS/Agilent Mini Bionx II 858 Load Frame Mechanical Tester

Hydraulic load frame for static or dynamic testing of high strength materials including bone, metal, plastic, collagen, tendons under tension, compression, and bending

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Mechanical Testing - MTS XP Nanoindenter

The nanoindenter measures material hardness, Young’s modulus and other mechanical properties of materials. Capabilities include nanoindentation with spherical or Berkovich tips, scratch testing, and continuous stiffness measurements.

Facility: Materials Characterization Core - Bossone 106, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Dmitri Barbash, PhD

Mechanical Testing - Rheo Systems ATS-0001 Rheometer

Measuring rheological character of materials from Water to firm polymers

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Nucleic Acid QC - Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer BioAnalyzer

Objective assessment of sizing, quantitation, integrity and purity from DNA, RNA and proteins. Minimal sample volumes are required for an accurate result

Facility: Genomics Core Facility - New College Building, 17th Floor, Center City

Managing Org: College of Medicine

Contact: Azad Ahmed, MD

Nucleic Acid QC - Agilent Femto Pulse Systrem BioAnalyzer

Large fragment resolution – separate high molecular weight DNA smears and fragments through 165 kb

Facility: Genomics Core Facility - New College Building, 17th Floor, Center City

Managing Org: College of Medicine

Contact: Azad Ahmed, MD

Nucleic Acid QC - Bio-Rad QX-200 Droplet Digital PCR

Absolute quantitative limiting dilution PCR for DNA or RNA – based on Poisson distribution. No need for standard curve!

Facility: Genomics Core Facility - New College Building, 17th Floor, Center City

Managing Org: College of Medicine

Contact: Azad Ahmed, MD

Nucleic Acid QC - Sage Science BluePippin DNA Size Selector

DNA size selection for next-gen sequencing, with pulsed field, 100bp – 50kb. Collect HMW DNA with high-pass filtering

Facility: Genomics Core Facility - New College Building, 17th Floor, Center City

Managing Org: College of Medicine

Contact: Azad Ahmed, MD

Nucleic Acid QC - Thermo Fisher Qubit 4 Fluorometer

Latest version of the popular Qubit fluorometer. Accurately measure DNA, RNA, protein quantity and RNA integrity and quality

Facility: Genomics Core Facility - New College Building, 17th Floor, Center City

Managing Org: College of Medicine

Contact: Azad Ahmed, MD

Nucleic Acid Sequencing - Illumina MiSeq DNA-RNA Sequencer

Targeted resequencing, metagenomics, small genome sequencing, targeted gene expression profiling, and more.

Facility: Genomics Core Facility - New College Building, 17th Floor, Center City

Managing Org: College of Medicine

Contact: Azad Ahmed, MD

Nucleic Acid Sequencing - Illumina NextSeq 500 DNA-RNA Sequencer

High-throughput sequencing,—The NextSeq 500 enables sequencing of exomes, whole genomes, and transcriptomes and supports TruSeq™, TruSight™, and Nextera™ libraries

Facility: Genomics Core Facility - New College Building, 17th Floor, Center City

Managing Org: College of Medicine

Contact: Azad Ahmed, MD

Nucleic Acid Sequencing - Pacific Biosciences Sequel IIe DNA-RNA Sequencer

Unique HiFi long read sequencing for Whole Genome Sequecing withde novo Assebly and bariant detection, full 16S Microbiome Sequencing, Metagenomic Sequencing, RNA Sequencing, Epigenetics and Targeted sequencing

Facility: Genomics Core Facility - New College Building, 17th Floor, Center City

Managing Org: College of Medicine

Contact: Azad Ahmed, MD

Optical Microscopy - AMG EVOS All-In-One Digital Inverted Microscope

Brightfield, Phase Contrast, Fluorescence, Q-Dot analysis of cells and tissue preparations

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Optical Microscopy - Bruker Ultima IV Two-photon Excitation Microcsope

The Bruker Ultima IV Two-Photon enables gentle deep tissue 3D imaging up to a depth of 1 mm. The microscope configuration is ideal for in vivo imaging of whole specimens.

Facility: Cell Imaging Center - Calhoun Lab A37A, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Harini Sreenivasappa, PhD

Optical Microscopy - Leica DM4000B Fluorescence Microscope

Brightfield & Fluorescence imaging of cells, particles, tissue samples on slides or low height multiwall plates

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building , Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Optical Microscopy - Leica DM4000B Bright-field Dark-field Microscope

For measurement of samples on slides for color or darkfield analysis. Adapted for measurement of samples embedded for viewing of bone and cartilage using darkfield lenses

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Optical Microscopy - Leica GE DeltaVision OMX V4 Super Resolution Microscope

The GE DeltaVision OMX V4 is a fully automated inverted microscope that enables structured illumination microscopy (SIM), Total Internal Reflection Microscopy (TIRF) and localization microscopy to obtain spatial resolution <200nm of both fixed and live samples.

Facility: Cell Imaging Center - PISB 308, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Harini Sreenivasappa, PhD

Optical Microscopy - Leica Live Imaging Microscope In Vivo Microscope

For imaging cells for phase contrast and fluorescence under growth conditions including temperature control for 37 degrees C, CO2 chamber, mounted on vibration free bench

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Optical Microscopy - Olympus FluoView 1000 Confocal Microscope

The FluoView 1000 inverted confocal microscope is ideal for 2D or 3D visualization and quantification of specimens ranging from single cells and tissues to small organisms. Capabilities include simultaneous and sequential high-resolution imaging of three or more fluorophores, differential interference contrast (DIC), colocalization, volume rendering, particle tracking and motion analysis, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), fluorescence loss in photobleaching (FLIP), and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET).

Facility: Cell Imaging Center - Bossone 625C, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Harini Sreenivasappa, PhD

Optical Microscopy - Olympus FluoView 1000 Confocal Microscope

The FluoView 1000 inverted confocal microscope is ideal for 2D or 3D visualization and quantification of specimens ranging from single cells and tissues to small organisms. Capabilities include simultaneous and sequential high-resolution imaging of three or more fluorophores, differential interference contrast (DIC), colocalization, volume rendering, particle tracking and motion analysis, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), fluorescence loss in photobleaching (FLIP), and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET).

Facility: Cell Imaging Center - PISB 408, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Harini Sreenivasappa, PhD

Optical Microscopy - Olympus IX81 Widefield Microscope

The Olympus IX81 is a fully automated inverted microscope for 2D and 3D imaging of fixed and live specimens. Capabilities include fast time-lapse imaging with excitation and emission filter wheels, temperature control, stereology, and color imaging for histochemical and immunohistochemical staining.

Facility: Cell Imaging Center - PISB 408, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Harini Sreenivasappa, PhD

Optical Microscopy - Zeiss Axio Observer Widefield Microscope

The Zeiss Axio Observer is an inverted microscope. This microscope is ideal for 2D or 3D imaging of thin specimens (one-cell layer)

Facility: Cell Imaging Center - PISB 408, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Harini Sreenivasappa, PhD

Optical Microscopy - Zeiss LSM 700 Confocal Microscope

The Zeiss LSM700 is an inverted confocal microscope used for short- and long-term imaging of live cells and tissues. Capabilities include full automation, time-lapse imaging, enviromental control for live specimens, colocalization studies, volume rendering, partical tracking and motion analysis, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), fluorescence loss in photobleaching (FLIP), fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), micromanipulation and microinjection.

Facility: Cell Imaging Center - PISB 408, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Harini Sreenivasappa, PhD

Optical Microscopy - Leica Stellaris 5 Confocal Microscope

The Leica Stellaris 5 with Lightning Super-Resolution is an inverted confocal microscope, with 4 Power HyD spectral detectors, 6 laser lines (405nm, 448nm, 488nm, 514nm, 516nm, 638nm), 3 objectives (10x/0.4NA air, 20x/0.75NA multi-immersion and 63x/ 1.4NA oil) and a stage top incubator with temperature and CO2 control. The 8kHz resonant scanner and a scanning stage super-z enable 28FPS high speed capture. This microscope is ideal for high speed 2D or 3D fluorescence visualization, long duration multi-point time lapse imaging of specimens ranging from single cells and tissues to small organisms.

Facility: Cell Imaging Center - PISB 408, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Harini Sreenivasappa, PhD

Particle Size Analyzer - Malvern Zetasizer Particle Size Analyzer

Particle and molecule size from below a nanometer to several microns using dynamic light scattering, zeta potential and electrophoretic mobility using electrophoretic light scattering, and molecular weight using static light scattering

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Sample Preparation - Labconco FreeZone Lyophilizer

Used to freeze-dry biomaterials, proteins, and research polymers of chemicals

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Sample Preparation - Leica CM 1850 UV Cryo Microtome

Micro-sectioning of embedded tissue samples for analysis of proteins & structures through immune staining and visible protein staining

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Scanning Electron Microscopy - FEI DB-235 FIB

The FIBSEM combines a high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscope with gallium focused ion column capable of ion milling material at the nanoscale. Capabilities include secondary electron imaging, ion imaging, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray fluoroescence spectroscopy (XRF), ion milling, TEM lift out, omniprobe, platinum deposition, and nanomachining.

Facility: Materials Characterization Core - Bossone 106, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Craig Johnson, PhD

Scanning Electron Microscopy - Thermo Fisher Apreo 2 S SEM

The Apreo 2 S is a high-resolution scanning electron microscope (SEM) optimized for in situ and in operando imaging and analysis. Capabilities include secondary electron imaging, backscattered electron imaging, integrated energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD), inert gas transfer, in situ mechanical testing (tensile, 3 & 4 point bending), heating, cooling, cryo mat & electrochemistry.

Facility: Materials Characterization Core - Bossone 106, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Kate Vanderburgh, PhD

Scanning Electron Microscopy - Zeiss Supra 50 VP SEM

The Zeiss is a variable-pressure field-emission scanning electron microscope for high-resolution imaging and chemical analysis. Capabilities include secondary electron imaging, backscattered electron imaging, energy dispersive spectrocopy (EDS) and elemental mapping.

Facility: Materials Characterization Core - Bossone 106, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Kate Vanderburgh, PhD

Spectral Analysis - Tecan Infinite M200 Plate Reader

Fluorescence, UV, Vis, Spectral analysis of multiwall plate format for 6 to 384 well, & cuvettes. OD range 200 to 1,000 and Fluorescence Excitation 230-850 and Emmission 280 to 850. DNA/RNA NanoQuant plate measurements

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Spectroscopy - Physical Electronics Versaprobe 5000 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

The Phi Versaprobe 5000 provides elemental and chemical composition of the first 10 nm of a sample surface. Capabilities include monochromatic Al K-Alpha source, Ar and C60 ion guns for depth profile measurements, dual-source neutralizer system for charge compensation, 180° hemispherical analyzer for small area XPS sensitivity, 16 channel MCD detector, ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) for measuring work function and Fermi level, hot and cold stage for in-situ measurements.

Facility: Materials Characterization Core - Bossone 106, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Dmitri Barbash, PhD

Spectroscopy - Thermo Genesys 10S UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

Spectrophotometer for measuring UV/VIS of samples aqueous, or low percentage organics in cuvettes

Facility: Biomed Facilities and Equipment - Bossone Building, Main Campus

Managing Org: School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Contact: Dolores Conover

Transmission Electron Microscopy - JEOL 2100F TEM

The JEOL 2100F TEM, with its field-emission electron source, is an advanced platform for high-resolution imaging in TEM and scanning TEM modes, elemental analysis and electron diffraction. Capabilities include high-resolution imaging, electron diffraction, electron tomography, high-angle annular dark field scanning TEM, annular dark field and bright field STEM, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), elemental mapping and 200 kV, 120 kV or 80 kV operation.

Facility: Materials Characterization Core - Bossone 106, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Craig Johnson, PhD

Transmission Electron Microscopy - JEOL 2100 TEM

The JEOL 2100 TEM offers a robust platform for basic transmission electron imaging and diffraction experiments. Capabilities include high-resolution imaging, electron diffraction, electron tomography, and 200 kV, 120 kV or 80 kV operation.

Facility: Materials Characterization Core - Bossone 106, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Craig Johnson, PhD

X-ray Diffraction - Rigaku MiniFlex XRD

The MiniFlex is a powerful, fast and flexible benchtop XRD system designed for high-throughput X-ray diffraction of the variety of polycrystalline samples.

Facility: Materials Characterization Core - Bossone 106, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Dmitri Barbash, PhD

X-ray Diffraction - Rigaku SmartLab XRD

The SmartLab provides a complete range of structural measurements including powder diffraction, in situ heating, thin film metrology including thin-film method, preferred orientation, crystal quality, reflectometry and grazing angle measurements.

Facility: Materials Characterization Core - Bossone 106, Main Campus

Managing Org: Research and Innovation

Contact: Dmitri Barbash, PhD