Drexel and WELL Center Host First-Ever National Eating Disorders Assoc Regional Conference


May 23, 2018

Left: Drexel WELL Center Research Coordinator Alexandra Convertino. Right: Graduate psychology student Kelsey Clark
Left: Drexel WELL Center Research Coordinator Alexandra Convertino. Right: Graduate psychology student Kelsey Clark

On Saturday, May 12th, Drexel University and the WELL Center (Center for Weight, Eating and Lifestyle Science) played host to the first-ever National Eating Disorders Association regional conference. NEDA is the nation's largest eating disorder association, and the NEDA regional conference is designed to bring together individuals who are experiencing eating disorders or who want to learn more about eating and body image issues. Opening remarks were given by Drexel's Provost, Brian Blake, and Adrienne Juarascio, assistant professor in the WELL Center and the Department of Psychology. Juarscio's research is dedicated to testing and developing innovative treatments for those who suffer from disordered eating.

Hosting the NEDA conference allowed the WELL Center to raise awareness of its support for the eating disorders community, which includes: ongoing research studies, and state-of-the-art, evidence-based treatment at the WELL Clinic. The treatment clinic operated by the WELL Center which serves the Philadelphia metropolitan area.