Dalton George Wins 2017 Excellence in Science, Technology and Society Prize


June 27, 2017

Dalton George

Dalton George, MS in science, technology and society '17, is the recipient of the 2017 Excellence in Science, Technology and Society Prize. This is the second year that the Center for STS has offered this annual prize. Nominated and voted on by STS-affiliated faculty, the prize is presented to a STS graduate student who has demonstrated exemplary performance in research, academics and service to the STS program.

Always present at STS works in progress (WIP) and lectures, Dalton has been a valuable, contributing member of STS at Drexel University. He makes the time to meet with prospective students and visiting speakers, and has served as the co-president of the STS Collective, which is the STS graduate student association.

His master’s research, titled The Social and Political Dimensions of Gene Editing, investigates the politics and ethics of the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine’s Gene Editing Initiative, demonstrating the importance of institutional change and policy to address new technoscientific challenges. Dalton gave a talk, "The Human Gene Editing Initiative: Constructing Risks, Rewards, and Trajectories of Gene Editing Technology” on his research at a STS WIP and the 2017 STGlobal Conference. Dalton will graduate this spring.