Maureen Gibney, teaching professor in the Drexel University Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences

Maureen Gibney, PsyD

Teaching Professor
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Office: Stratton 206


  • PsyD, Clinical Psychology, Widener University, 1991
  • BA, Temple University, English, 1976

Curriculum Vitae:

Download (PDF)

Research Interests:

  • Ethical issues in clinical and social care
  • Mental health across the lifespan
  • Narrative psychology


Dr. Gibney is a teaching professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Drexel University. She held a position in social service on an inpatient psychiatric unit for many years before seeking a doctorate in clinical psychology, after which she was awarded a two-year National Institutes of Health postdoctoral fellowship in clinical neuropsychology. A decade after earning her doctorate, Dr. Gibney completed a certification program in bioethics and medical humanities at New York University. She maintained an independent practice in clinical neuropsychology for fifteen years, consulting to physicians whose patients were experiencing changes in functioning. In addition to her teaching, she presents trainings in mental health and aging and in ethical issues arising in late life and dementia care for professionals working in health care and social services. Her three intertwined areas of keen interest, all of which she explores in her teaching and professional trainings, are psychology, literature, and ethics.