Patricia Diane Bobo, MA, ASA

Patricia Diane Bobo, MA, ASA

Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Mathematics
Office: Korman 255


  • MA, Actuarial Science, Temple University, 1988
  • ASA, Associate of the Society of Actuaries, 1988
  • BA, Mathematics, Lincoln University, 1978

Curriculum Vitae:

Download (PDF)

Research Interests:

  • Inspiring – she wants to impart in her students’ the lifelong joy of learning
  • Committed – she is committed to helping students expand their mathematical foundation
  • Caring – she wants her students to know that she cares about every single one of them. And she truly believes in the motto, “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste.”


Patricia Bobo’s formal role at Drexel University is to teach calculus, applied calculus, applied statistics, pre-calculus courses, and the theory of interest, a course needed for the actuarial profession. These stated courses are also her areas of expertise. Additionally, besides teaching on the college level, she has spent over 10 years working as an actuary in life insurance companies.

Ms. Bobo is passionate able helping her students build a strong foundation in mathematics. She strives to make a difference by demonstrating to her students by her teaching style, her love for mathematics. Ms. Bobo has been teaching on the college level since 2001 to present at Saint Joseph’s University. Where she was the course coordinator for an applied mathematics course and constructed the first on-line mathematics course in 2006.

She enjoys teaching, calculus, applied calculus, applied statistics, and the theory of interest, a course needed for the actuarial profession. Ms. Bobo supports her students’ growth in mathematics by providing them with help when needed.