Patricia Henry Russell

Patricia Henry Russell, MS

Adjunct Instructor
Teaching Professor Emerita
Department of Mathematics


  • BS Mathematics, LaSalle University, 1988
  • MS Mathematics, Drexel University, 1991


Patricia Henry Russell came to Drexel as an Instructor in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department in 1991 to both teach mathematics and serve as Math Coordinator of the Student Support Summer Program. While she has continued in her role as a mathematics instructor, rising to the rank of Teaching Professor. Her passion has always been teaching with a focus always on student understanding and success. Pat has served as Assistant Department Head, Associate Department Head, and Interim Department Head in the Mathematics Department. In the College of Arts and Sciences, she served as Assistant Dean and Coordinator of STEM and Community Outreach. Since 2013, she has served as Director of the Freshman Academic Seminar, a learning community of freshman across majors and cohorted in Mathematics, English and professional development classes. She has served as a member of Faculty Senate and several University committees; recently, she served as Chair of the Faculty Senate Budget, Planning and Development Committee. Pat was recognized with the Harold Myer Award for Distinguished Service in 2009 and the title Teaching Professor Emerita upon her retirement in 2016.