Ashley Dickinson, PhD

Ashley Dickinson, PhD

Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Criminology and Justice Studies
Office: 3401 Market Street, Room 110-E
Phone: 215.895.6150


  • PhD, Criminology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Research Interests:

  • Corrections
  • Offender Rehabilitation
  • Offender Classification
  • Risk Management
  • Gender and Crime


Ashley L. Dickinson is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Criminology and Justice Studies. Professor Dickinson earned her PhD in Criminology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She has served as the Director of Research for the Kansas Department of Corrections, as well as an Assistant Professor for The University of Virginia’s College at Wise. Both her teaching and research interests include corrections, offender rehabilitation, offender classification, risk management, quantitative and qualitative methodology.