Rakhmiel Peltz, PhD, Professor of Sociolinguistics, Drexel University

Rakhmiel Peltz, PhD

Professor Emeritus of Sociolinguistics
Founding Director of Judaic Studies
Department of Communication
Jewish Studies


  • PhD, Yiddish Studies, Linguistics, Columbia University, 1988
  • MPhil, Yiddish Studies, Columbia University, 1984
  • MA, Yiddish Studies, Columbia University, 1981
  • PhD, Biological Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, 1971
  • BS, Biology, The City College, New York, 1966

Research Interests:

  • Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • Yiddish Studies, Language and Society
  • Ethnography of Communication
  • Children of Immigrants
  • Educational Restitution after Genocide


Rakhmiel Peltz is the founding Director of the Judaic Studies Program and Professor Emeritus of Sociolinguistics in the Department of Communication of Drexel University. His current research specialization is the social history of Yiddish language and culture. He holds two doctorates, one in Biological Sciences from the University of Pennsylvania and the second in Yiddish Studies and Linguistics from Columbia University, and he has published extensively in both fields.

Currently he is working on two book projects. The first (Who Cares About Standards?) focuses on the motivations of standardizers in society and their devotion to social change, looking at standardizers in biomedical research and in Yiddish language usage. The second book (The Language and Culture of Jews in Eastern Europe) puts together and analyzes the Yiddish research publications of Uriel Weinreich, to ensure the centrality of his work for future generations of students and researchers.

Dr. Peltz’s specialty in biological sciences is cell and molecular biology. His research focused on gene action and the control of differentiation during early embryogenesis and the cell cycle. After receiving his doctorate, he did post-doctoral work at the Institute for Cancer Research in Fox Chase, Philadelphia, and the McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research of the University of Wisconsin in Madison. A recipient of many grants, he served as principal investigator of grants from the National Institutes of Health. For several years, he served as Director of Cell Biology at the Wills Eye Research Institute and Assistant Research Professor at Thomas Jefferson University. In addition, he taught Developmental Biology at the University of Wisconsin at Madison and was the Instructor-in-Charge of summer sessions and honors courses in Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Turning to Yiddish Studies, Dr. Peltz was motivated by a life-long devotion to the survival of the culture that the Nazis attempted to destroy. His training at Columbia and as a Fellow of the Max Weinreich Center for Advanced Jewish Studies at the Yivo Institute for Jewish Research focused on the social history of Yiddish language and culture in Eastern Europe. He has published on language and culture planning in the Soviet Union, Yiddish cultural expression of immigrants, language and identity over the lifespan, and urban neighborhood life. For more than twenty-five years, he has been researching aging and ethnicity, and has developed an expertise in designing and carrying out intergenerational ethnic educational programs. He is an accomplished researcher, who uses both historical research and ethnographic methods. His research currently focuses on pre-World War II Jewish family life in Eastern Europe as experienced by Holocaust survivors and on ways of educating survivors of groups that are victims of genocide about their history and culture.

His book, From Immigrant to Ethnic Culture: American Yiddish in South Philadelphia (Stanford University Press, 1998) is the first book on spoken Yiddish in America. Written after doing ten years of ethnographic research on elderly children of immigrants in small New England cities, this account provides a fresh look at ethnic culture in the USA and the changing role of ethnic language over the life cycle of children of immigrants.

More recently, he was co-author of Language Loyalty, Continuity and Change (Multilingual Matters, 2006), and served as project director and producer of the film, Toby’s Sunshine: The Life and Art of Holocaust Survivor Toby Knobel Fluek (2008). In 2019, he launched a website, Alive! Educational Restitution After Genocide, www.alivetobyssunshine.com , representing ten years of his research together with individual Drexel students and colleagues, developments growing out of his course, Reconstructing History After Genocide, as well as collaborations in a global seminar with colleagues and students in Lublin, Poland.

A popular speaker for academic and popular audiences, Dr. Peltz lectures on the history of Yiddish language and literature, Jewish life in Eastern Europe, and aging and ethnic identity. In addition, he facilitates Yiddish discussion groups and intergenerational programs on life history.

Arriving at Drexel in 1998, he had previously served as an Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages at Boston University (1989-1991), where he also taught in the Anthropology Department, Ph.D. Program in Applied Linguistics, and Center for Aging. From 1990-98, he was Director of Yiddish Studies at Columbia University, overseeing the Ph.D. Program, undergraduate instruction, and the intensive summer program in Yiddish. He was Associate Professor in the Department of Germanic Languages at Columbia, and he has also served as a visiting professor at Gratz College (Jewish Literature), Mt. Holyoke College (Anthropology), the New School (Jewish History), the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (Linguistics), the University of Pennsylvania (Sociology), and Wesleyan University (Religion and Anthropology).

His work has been supported by a variety of funding agencies, including the American Council of Learned Societies, the Littauer Foundation, and the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture. He was the Miles Lerman Fellow at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Research, US Holocaust Memorial Museum, and the Dr. Emanuel Patt – Workmen’s Circle Center Fellow at the Yivo Institute for Jewish Research, as well as a Fellow at the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. He has served on the editorial board of Contemporary Jewry, the International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Yiddish, and Yivo-bleter, and on the Board of Directors of the Society for the Social Scientific Study of Jewry, HIAS Immigration Service of Pennsylvania, and Hillel of Greater Philadelphia.

Selected Publications:


  • From Immigrant to Ethnic Culture: American Yiddish in South Philadelphia (Stanford University Press, 1998).
  • Language Loyalty, Continuity and Change: Joshua A. Fishman’s Contributions to International Sociolinguistics, with Ofelia Garcia and Harold Schiffman (Multilingual Matters, 2006).


  • “Toby’s Sunshine: The Life and Art of Holocaust Survivor Toby Knobel Fluek,” Producer and Project Director (2008).

Educational Website

Articles and Chapters

  • Fuftsn yor farbreytern di randn fun der yidisher publitsistik (Fifteen Years of Broadening the Margins of Yiddish Journalism),” Afn shvel, 393,2021, 14-19.
  • “Introductiion to the Second Edition,” Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary, 2nd ed., Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath and Paul Glasser, eds. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2021, xv-xvii.
  • Uriel Vaynraykh: Di brik tsvishn misrekh-eyrope un amerike (Lezeykher zayn fuftsikstn yortsayt) Uriel Weinreich: the Bridge between Eastern Europe and America (The Fiftieth Anniversary of His Death),” Afn shvel, 378-379, 2018, 42-51, 73.
  • “Activism: Loving Your Languages and Fighting for Them,” Multilingua, 36, 2017, 663-671.
  • “’The Vietnamese have a better understanding of yidishkeit than the Jewish Federation officials’: A Senior Day Center in Historical Perspective,” special issue “Aging in the Jewish World,” Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging, 29, 2017, 164-176.
  • “A Researcher Writes for His People: Who Writes What Language for Whom and When? ” International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 243, 2017, 39-65.
  • "Becoming Yiddish Speakers in New York: Burgeoning Communities of Bilingual Children," with H. Kliger, Bilingual Community Education and Multilingualism: Beyond Heritage Languages in a Global City, eds. Ofelia Garcia, Zeena Zakharia, and Bahar Otcu, Clevedon, England and Buffalo: Multilingual Matters, 2013, 204-216.
  • “Telling the American Story: Yiddish and the Narratives of Children of Immigrants,” in New Essays in American Jewish History, eds. Pamela Nadel, Jonathan Sarna, and Lance Sussman, Cincinnati and Jersey City: American Jewish Archives and Ktav Publishing House, 2010, 417-453.
  • “Diasporic Languages: The Jewish World,” in Handbook of Language and Ethnicity, 2nd edition, eds. Joshua A. Fishman and Ofelia Garcia, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 135-152.
  • “125 Years of Building Jewish Immigrant Communities in Philadelphia,” in Global Philadelphia: Immigrant Communities, Old and New, eds. Ayumi Takenaka and Mary Johnson Osirim, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2010, 27-51.
  • “The Sibilants of Northeastern Yiddish: A Study of Linguistic Variation,” in Eydes: Evidence of Yiddish Documented in European Societies, eds. Ulrike Kiefer and Robert Neumann. Tubingen: Niemeyer Verlag, 2008, 241-273.
  • “The History of Yiddish Studies: Take Notice!,” in Language Loyalty, Continuity and Change: Joshua A. Fishman’s Contributions to International Sociolinguistics, O. Garcia, R. Peltz, and H. Schiffman, Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters, 2006, 69-108.
  • “Yiddish: A Language Without An Army Regulates Itself,” in Germanic Standardizations: Past and Present, eds. A. Deumert and W. Vandenbussche, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2003, 435-57.
  • “The Undoing of Language Planning from the Vantage of Cultural History: Two Twentieth Century Yiddish Examples,” in Undoing and Redoing Corpus Planning, ed. M. Clyne, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1997, 327-56.
  • “The Secular Yiddish School in the United States in Sociohistorical Perspective: Language School or Culture School?,” with H. Kliger, Linguistics and Education, 2, 1990, 1-19.
  • “The Dehebraization Controversy in Soviet Yiddish Language Planning: Standard or Symbol?,” in Readings in the Sociology of Jewish Languages, ed. J. Fishman, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1985, 125-50.