Lee Hoffman

Lee Hoffman, PhD

Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Chemistry
Office: Disque Hall 417
Phone: 215.895.1784

Curriculum Vitae:

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Research Interests:

Interfacial studies on the self-assembly of natural organic materials, understanding the nature of each component, and development of a mechanism describing this process. Dendrimer/metal nanocomposite design and synthesis hosting metal nanoparticles, utilizing the multivalent dendritic polymer architecture for further exploitation with other molecules such as antibodies and other targeting species. Surface and interfacial science applications to develop a better understanding of the structure/property relationships of a variety of materials dendritic matter, with particular investigations directed towards developing better control over material/material interaction and formation along with clarifying the mechanism for nanocomposite formation.

Selected Publications:


  • Mary-Louise Rogers, Kevin S. Smith, Dusan Matusica , Matthew Fenech, Lee Hoffman, Robert A. Rush and Nicolas H. Voelcker “Non-viral gene therapy that targets motor neurons in vivo”, Frontiers in Mol. Neurosci., (2014) , accepted.
  • Lee W. Hoffman, Gabriela Chilom, Swaminathan Venkatesan, and James A. Rice “Electron and Force Microscopy Characterization of Particle Size Effects and Surface Phenomena Associated with Individual Natural Organic Matter Fractions”, Microsc. Microanal., (2014) , 20 (02), 521-530.
  • Lee W. Hoffman, H. Gunther Andersson, Anirudh Sharma, Stephen R. Clarke, and Nicolas H. Voelcker “New insights into PAMAM dendrimer/gold nanoparticle nanocomposite structure,” Langmuir, (2011), 27 (11), 6759–6767.
  • Carlo Congiusta, Justin Y Granleese, Daniel Graiver, Lee Hoffman, Simon Mathew, Dave Clarke, Martin Johnston, and Stephen R. Clarke, “Novel Grafting onto Silica via Aldehyde Functionality,” Silicon (2009) 1(1), 29-36.
  • Lee W. Hoffman, Nicolas H. Voelcker, Robert B. Knott, and Stephen R. Clarke, “Poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers and gold nanoparticles – a fresh look”, AINSE/ANBUG, Neutron Scattering Symposium, Lucas Heights, Australia, December 4-6, 2007.
  • Petar R. Dvornic, Robert A. Bubeck, Scott D. Reeves, Jeming Li, and Lee W. Hoffman, “Nanoscale templating using honeycomb-like poly(amidoamine-organosilicon) (PAMAMOS) dendrimer networks,”, Silicon Chemistry (2005), 2(5/6), 207-216.
  • Dvornic, Petar R.; Owen, Michael J.; Keinath, Steven E.; Hu, Jin; Hoffman, Lee W.; Parham, Paul L., Poly(amidoamine-organosilicon) (PAMAMOS) dendrimers and their derivatives of higher degree of structural complexity. Abstracts of Papers, 221st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States, April 1-5, 2001.
  • Bubeck, Robert A.; Bauer, Barry J.; Dvornic, Petar R.; Owen, Michael J.; Reeves, Scott D.; Parham, Paul L.; Hoffman, Lee W.. Small-angle neutron scattering from metal ion-containing PAMAMOS dendrimer networks. Abstracts of Papers, 221st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States, April 1-5, 2001.
  • R.A. Bubeck, B.J. Bauer, P.R. Dvornic, M.J. Owen, S.D. Reeves, P.L. Parham and L.W. Hoffman, “Small-Angle Neutron Scattering From Metal Ion-Containing PAMAMOS Dendrimer Networks”, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, (2001) 84, 866.
  • P.R. Dvornic, M.J. Owen, S.E. Keinath, J. Hu, L.W. Hoffman and P.L. Parham, “Poly(amidoamine-organosilicon) (PAMAMOS) Dendrimers and Their Derivatives of Higher Degree of Structural Complexity,”, Polymer Preprints, (2001) 42(1), 126.
  • Tatyana P. Collins, Lee W. Hoffman, and James L. Goudie, “Development and Evaluation of a New Product line of Silicone Elastomers for High Voltage Applications, Part 2”, Annual Report – Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (2000), (Vol. 1) 255-259.