Ezra Wood, PhD, Drexel University Department of Chemistry

Ezra C. Wood, PhD

Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
Office: Disque Hall, room 507
Phone: 215.895.1681

Additional Sites: Wood — Atmospheric Chemistry Research Group


  • PhD, University of California-Berkeley, 2004

Curriculum Vitae:

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Research Interests:

  • Atmospheric Chemistry
  • Air Pollution
  • Climate Change
  • Analytical Instrumentation


Ezra Wood leads a research group investigating many aspects of atmospheric chemistry relevant to air pollution and global warming. The overall research goals are to quantify the emissions of primary pollutants and elucidate the formation mechanisms of secondary pollutants, especially ozone (O3) and secondary aerosol. Much of this research hinges on the ability to measure the concentrations of trace compounds in the atmosphere.

Dr. Wood’s group uses optical and mass spectrometric techniques to quantify concentrations of numerous compounds at the part-per-trillion level. Compounds of particular interest include the hydroperoxy radical (HO2) and organic peroxy radicals. Wood group members have conducted extensive fieldwork in major urban areas such as New York City, San Antonio, Boise, and Philadelphia; forested regions in Indiana and Michigan; and wildfire-smoke-affected areas in rural Idaho.

Dr. Wood’s research has received funding from the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Texas Air Quality Research Program. Dr. Wood teaches analytical, physical, and environmental chemistry courses. Before joining Drexel University, Dr. Wood held appointments at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and Aerodyne Research, Inc.

Selected Publications:

Lindsay, A. and Wood, E., “Comparison of two photolytic calibration methods for nitrous acid”, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 5455–5464, 2022

Lindsay, A., Anderson, D., Wernis, R., Liang, Y., Goldstein, A., Herndon, S., Roscioli, J., Dyroff, C., Fortner, E., Croteau, P., Majluf, F., Krechmer, J., Yacovitch, T., Knighton, W., Wood, E. “Ground-based Investigation of HOx and Ozone Chemistry in Biomass Burning Plumes in Rural Idaho”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 4909–4928, 2022

Anderson, D.; Lindsay, A., DeCarlo, P.; Wood, E., “Urban Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, and Methane Determined from Ground-Based Observations in Philadelphia”, Environmental Science and Technology, 55(8), 4532-4541, 2021

Kundu, S.; Deming, B. L.; Lew, M.; Bottorff, B.; Rickly, P.; Stevens, P. S.; Dusanter, S.; Sklaveniti, S.; Leonardis, T.; Locoge, N.; Wood, E. C., “Peroxy Radical Measurements by Ethane – Nitric Oxide Chemical Amplification and Laser-Induced Fluorescence during the IRRONIC field campaign in a Forest in Indiana” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 9563–9579, 2019

Anderson, D.; Pavelec, J.; Daube, C.; Herndon, S.; Knighton, W. B.; Lerner, B.; Roscioli, J. R.; Yacovitch, T.; Wood, E. C.;, “Characterization of Ozone Production in San Antonio, Texas Using Measurements of Total Peroxy Radicals”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19 (5), 2845-2860, 2019

Wood, E. C., Deming, B. L., and Kundu, S.: “Ethane-based chemical amplification measurement technique for atmospheric peroxy radicals”, Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 4, 15-19, 2017.

Wood, E. C., Knighton, W. B., Fortner, E. C., Herndon, S. C., Onasch, T. B., Franklin, J. P., Worsnop, D. R., Dallmann, T. R., Gentner, D. R., and Goldstein, A. H.: “Ethylene glycol emissions from on-road vehicles”, Environmental Science and Technology, 49, 3322-3329, 2015.

Wood, E.; Herndon, S.; Fortner, E. C.; Onasch, T.; Wormhoudt, J.; Kolb, C. E.; Knighton, W. B.; Lee, B.; Zavala, M.; Molina, L.; Jones, M., “Combustion and Destruction/Removal Efficiencies of in-use Chemical Flares in the Greater Houston area.” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, doi:10.1021/ie202717m, 2012

 Wood, E. C., Canagaratna, M. R., Herndon, and 16 others, “Investigation of the correlation between odd oxygen and secondary organic aerosol in Mexico City and Houston”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10(18), 8947-8968, 2010

Wood, E., Herndon, S., Onasch, T., Kroll, J. H., Canagaratna, M., Kolb, C., Worsnop, D., Neuman, J. A., Seila, R., Zavala, M., and Knighton, W. B.: “A case study of ozone production, nitrogen oxides, and the radical budget in Mexico City”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9, 2499 – 2517, 2009

Wood, E. C.; Herndon, S. C., Timko, M. T., Yelvington, P. E., Miake-Lye, R. C., “Speciation and Chemical Evolution of Nitrogen Oxides in Aircraft Exhaust near Airports”, Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 1884-1891, 2008

Wood, E. C., Freese, J., Albrecht, T., Wooldridge, P. J., Cohen, R. C. “Prototype for in situ detection of atmospheric NO3 and N2O5 via laser-induced fluorescence”, Environmental Science & Technology, 37 (24), 5732-5738, 2003