Monica Togna, PhD

Monica Togna, PhD

Teaching Professor
Department of Biology
Office: PISB 221 F
Phone: 215.895.2684


  • BS, Biology, Chemistry minor, The College of New Jersey, 1991
  • PhD, Environmental Science, Dept of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Environmental Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1996

Research Interests:

My research interests largely revolve around methods of implementing my teaching goals of how to provide individualized learning to large groups of students, developing and utilizing active learning instructional strategies, and making connections between the material and students’ lives. Within that context, my primary research interest is in developing methods to effectively teach ecology and various aspects of biology in an urban setting. Intertwined with these goals, I also investigate and encourage both community based learning and reflective analysis as tools to broaden the horizons of science students.

Selected Publications:

  • Togna, (2013) Individualized Learning in a Class of 500…a Multi-tiered Approach to Recitation Design, 12th General Meeting of the Biology Leadership Conference, Amelia Island, FL
  • Togna, M., Kazumi, J., Apitz, S., Kirtay, V. and Young, L. (2001). Effect of sediment toxicity on anaerobic microbial metabolism. Env. Tox. & Chem. 20(11), 2406-2410
  • Togna, M. and Kafkewitz, D.K. (2000) The methods of anaerobic microbiology with emphasis on environmental applications. The International Journal of Environmental Studies, 1375-1379
  • Togna, M. and Kafkewitz, D.K. (1998) Microbes in the muck: a look into the anaerobic world. Biological Treatment of Hazardous Wastes. John Wiley and Sons Inc., NY, NY, January, 327-356. Chapter in chemical engineering textbook/handbook
  • Togna, M., Kafkewitz, D.K. and Armentante, P. (1995) Rapid dehalogenation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol at alkaline pH by an anaerobic enrichment culture. Letters in Applied Microbiology, vol. 20, 113-116