Robert Loudon , Ph.D.

Robert Loudon, PhD

Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Biology
Office: PISB 221 E
Phone: 215.895.6936


  • BS, Microbiology, Pennsylvania State University, 1982
  • PhD, Immunology, Thomas Jefferson University, 1997
  • Post-doctoral training:
    • Regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling by arrestins: development of arrestin antisense approaches to study arrestin function and receptor specificity. Laboratory of Dr. Jeffrey L. Benovic, Thomas Jefferson University (1997-98).
    • Functional role of the tumor suppressor, PTEN. Laboratory of Dr. Jonathan Chernoff, Fox Chase Cancer Center (1998-99).
    • Role of Rho GTPases in axonal guidance. Laboratory of Dr. Gianluca Gallo, Drexel University College of Medicine (2003-06)

Research Interests:

  • Rho GTPases
  • Regulation of actin cytoskeleton
  • Regulation of G protein-coupled receptors by receptor kinases and arrestins


While I have enjoyed many years of a varied and fulfilling career in biomedical research, it is teaching that is my true passion. I am incredibly lucky that this thing called my "job" is really being able to talk and think about science with my students. I can't imagine having a better professional life than this. Outside of the classroom, I love spending time with my wife and my daughter, traveling, gardening, and listening to music.

Selected Publications:

  • Loudon, R., Silver, L., Yee, H.F., and Gallo, G. 2006. RhoA-kinase and myosin II are Required for the Maintenance of Growth Cone Polarity and Guidance by Nerve Growth Factor. J. Neurobiol. 66:847-867.
  • Silver, L.D., Qiang, L., Loudon, R. and Gallo, G. 2004. Bi-directional inhibitory interactions between metanephros and lumbosacral nerves in vitro. Dev Dyn. 231:190-198.
  • Loudon, R.P., Pronin, A.N., and Benovic, J. 2000. Expression and Activity of G Protein-coupled Receptor Kinases. (In: Receptor Biochemistry and Methodology: Regulation of G Protein-coupled Receptor Function and Expression .J.L. Benovic, Ed., Wiley Press). Pages 135-155.
  • Pronin, A.N., Loudon, R.P., and Benovic, J. 2002. Characterization of G Protein-coupled Receptor Kinases (GRKs). (In: G Protein Pathways, Part A: Receptors. R. Iyengar and J.D. Hildebrandt, Eds., Academic Press). Methods Enzymol. 343:547.
  • Mundell, S.J., Loudon, R.P., and Benovic, J. 1999. Characterization of G protein-coupled receptor regulation in antisense mRNA-expressing cells with reduced arrestin levels. Biochemistry. 38:8723.
  • Loudon, R.P. and Benovic, J. 1997. Regulation of the G Protein-coupled Receptor Kinase, GRK6: Altered Activity of Palmitoylation-deficient and Isoprenylation Forms of GRK6. J. Biol. Chem. 272:27422.