Cecilie Goodrich Ph.D.

Cecilie Goodrich, PhD

Professor Emeritus
Department of Biology
Office: PISB 316
Phone: 215.895.2626

Please note: Dr. Goodrich no longer accepts graduate students due to her emerita (retired) status.

Lab Location: PISB 410 B
Lab Phone: 215.571.4199


  • BS, University of Michigan
  • PhD, Harvard University

Research Interests:

  • Development of simple behaviors after birth in relation to known developmental events in the mouse brain


Trained as a systems physiologist, I am most interested in regulatory mechanisms, and particularly regulation involving the neurotransmitter serotonin (5HT) during postnatal maturation. Currently I study maturation of motor systems in infant mice. To date I have collected extensive baseline information on the maturational patterns of some 15 motor activities and simple reflexes. Some of these, such as righting reflexes and simple withdrawal reflexes, are essentially mature at birth, while others mature at various ages during the first postnatal week through weaning at 21 days postpartum. Over the same time span, locomotion matures from primitive swimming movements restricted to the forelimbs, culminating in adult gait, grooming and escape activity. The maturation of the cerebellum is almost entirely postnatal in mice. The architecture of the cerebellar cortex is perhaps one of the best-described for a complex region of the brain, including phylogenetic studies from lamprey through primates, and maturational descriptions for mice. This elegant system of circuits matures over the same postnatal time span when new motor behaviors are appearing. I am applying digital video to reveal details of the movements and possible relationships with cerebellar maturation.

Selected Publications:

  • Goodrich, Cecilie, Roseanna Lechner and Wendy Slone, 1989. Central versus peripheral thermoregu latory effects following alteration of 5-HT in maturing mice Physiol. Behav. 46:203-209.
  • Petty, Joann, and Cecilie Goodrich, 1987. “The maturational onset of the 5-HTmediated head twitch in mice” Physiol. Behav. 41:47-51.
  • Dobrea, George M., and Cecilie Goodrich, 1987. “Pirenperone effects on temperaturepreference and body temperature in maturing mice” Physiol. Behav. 39:327-331.
  • Goodrich, Cecilie and Michael Dillehay, 1987. “Maturational age affects pirenperone dose-response pattern” Gen. Pharmac. 18:225-227.
  • Goodrich, Cecilie, and Jana Lange, 1986 “A differential sex effect of amphetamine on exploratory behavior in maturing mice” Physiol. Behav. 38:663-666.
  • Goodrich, Cecilie A., Peter C. Baker and Gregory P. Bauman, 1986. “Biochemical and functional effects of fenfluramine in maturing mice” Gen. Pharmac. 17:457-460.
  • Goodrich, Cecilie, 1983. “Thermoregulatory effects of the specific uptake inhibitor citalopram in maturing mice” Gen. Pharmacol. 14:525-527.
  • Mroczka, D. L., K. M. Hoff, C. A. Goodrich and P. C. Baker, 1983. “Effects of lithium on reproduction and postnatal growth of mice” Biol. Neonate 43:298-296.
  • Goodrich, Cecilie, 1982. “Reserpine effects on body temperature in maturing mice” Gen. Pharmac. 13:63-66.
  • Baker, P. C., and C. A. Goodrich, 1982. “The effects of the specific uptake inhibitor Lu 10-171 (Citalopram) upon brain indoleamine stores in the maturing mouse” Gen. Pharmac. 13:59-61.