2016 Conference Schedule

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Program Materials

Date/Time Session

Sep 7, 2016
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

Concurrent Session 1


DIY General Education Assessment: A Campus-Wide Assessment Program Overnight with What you Already Have Jason Adsit and Gina Camodeca, D'Youville College PISB 104


Accreditation Drove Quality Assessment: Making Lemon Sorbet from A Case of Lemons Dale Trusheim, Phyllis Blumberg and John E. Connors - University of the Sciences PISB 106


Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP) = Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs): What's Next Christina Dryden - American Public University System PISB 108


To Flip or Not to Flip Steven Billis and Nada Anid - New York Institute of Technology Pearlstein 101

Honoring Faculty Well Being to Build a Culture of Assessment Carolyn Haynes, Renee Baernstein and Rose Marie Ward - Miami University (Ohio) Pearlstein 102


Our QuEST for Healthier Outcomes: Evaluating Revisions to the General Education Wellness Requirement Susan Donat and Mindy Smith - Messiah College Gerri C Lebow Hall 109

An Integrative Approach to Managing Curriculum and Assessment Processes: a Discussion of Leadership and Technology Jacob Amidon, Debera Ortloff and Gigi Devanney - Finger Lakes Community College Gerri C Lebow Hall 209

Sep 7, 2016
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Concurrent Session 2


Bridging General Education and the Major: Critical Thinking, the Mid-Curriculum, and Learning Gains Assessment Jane Detweiler and Russell Stone - Unversity of Nevada, Reno PISB 104

Snapshot Sessions (5 minute Mini-sessions) PISB 106


Categories of Student Learning: A Concept Model for Aligning MSCHE Standards for Educational Effectiveness Assessment Krishna Dunston, Amy Birge and Elisa Seeherman - Community College of Philadelphia PISB 108


Holding the T: Making Rubrics Work for You Belinda Bleivns-Knabe, Joanne Liebman Matson and Brian Ray - University of Arkansas at Little Rock Pearlstein 101

Creating Climate Change: Increasing Faculty Engagement to Generate Results Susan Deane, Cheryle Levvitt and Jennifer Lusins - SUNY, Dehli Pearlstein 102


Ethics Assessment in Marketing Courses Using a Business Ethics Simulation Game Lawrence Duke - Drexel University Gerri C Lebow Hall 109


Course Level Assessment: No, it is Not Punitive and Yes, it Can Be Fun! Karen Bull - Syracuse University Gerri C Lebow Hall 209

Sep 8, 2016
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM

Continental Breakfast 1

PISB Atrium

Sep 8, 2016
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Concurrent Session 3


Let's Give Them Something to Talk About: How About Gen Ed Outcomes? Jeff Bonfield, Roberta Harvey and Bharathwaj Vijayakumar, Rowan University PISB 104


Learning from the CAEP Assessment Process Within HBCU Environments: Examining our Strengths and Challenges in Classroom and Program Review Pamela Felder, Michael Reed, Kimberly Poole-Sykes and Nomsa Geleta, University of Maryland Eastern Shore PISB 106

After the Review Team Leaves: Planning for Improvement Post-Periodic Program Review Gina Calzaferri, Temple University PISB 108


Teaching Quality Should Drive Assessment Phyllis Blumberg - University of the Sciences Pearlstein 101


Popping the Question--Time to Get Engaged! Salvatore D'Amato - D'Youvillie College Pearlstein 102


Ethical Reasoning: Defining, Teaching, Assessing Keston Fulcher - James Madison University Gerri C Lebow Hall 109


Drexel Outcomes Transcript: Building Academic Innovation and Renewal Using an Effective Assessment Process Mustafa Sualp and Caitlin Meehan - AEFIS; Stephen DiPietro and Donald McEachron - Drexel University Gerri C Lebow Hall 209

Getting them in the Game: A Participatory Approach to the Evaluation of Assessment Infrastructure Sade Walker and Zornitsa Georgieva - Prince George's Community College PISB 120

Sep 8, 2016
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 4


One Size Fits All: Using AAC&U Rubrics to Facilitate Interdisciplinary Assessment of General Education Carolyn LaMacchia, Michael McFarland, Mindi Miller and Tom Kresch - Bloomsburg University PISB 104

What'd You Say?: How to Communicate During the Self-Study Process Gail Fernandez, Shyamal (Sony) Tiwari and Larry Hlavenka Jr. - Bergen Community College PISB 106


Using Simulation, 360-degree Feedback, and AARs to Assess Individual/Team Performance in Different Delivery Formats Jim Caruso, Drexel University PISB 108


Using Data Analytics to Drive Continuous Improvement for Academic Quality Su Dong and Rollinda Thomas - Fayetteville University Pearlstein 101

Faculty Assessment Liaisons and the Consultation Model: From Astrophysics to Theology Seth Matthew Fishman and Valentina DeNardis - Villanova University Pearlstein 102

Creating Academic Quality through Planning and Technology Mark Green, Maryann Godshall and Mary Yost and Danielle Devine - Drexel University Gerri C Lebow Hall 109


Make the Best of Multiple Choice Tests: Improving Question Writing Skills Kirsten Grant - Hunter College Gerri C Lebow Hall 209

Sep 8, 2016
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM

Luncheon & Plenary


“Developing a Culture of Assessment, Learning, Inquiry, Innovation…What culture am I developing now?” Jane Marie Souza - University of Rochester Behrakis Grand Hall

Sep 8, 2016
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Concurrent Session 5

Creating and Adopting Institutional Learning Outcomes: 4 Case Studies from the Trenches Kristel Kemmerer - Dutchess Community College, Victoria Ferrara - Mercy College, Heather Malonado - Buffalo State University PISB 104

Snapshot Sessions (5 minute Mini-sessions) PISB 106

Translating Data into Action: Helping Faculty Use Assessment Data to Make Qualitative Change Anthony Fulton and Margaret Jenkins - Prince George's Community College PISB 108

The Highs and Lows of Writing Assessment: Connecting Outcomes, Rubrics, and Data (Student Work) in Meaningful Ways. William FitzGerald and Brynn Kairis, Rutgers University, Camden Pearlstein 101

Trickle Up Assessment: Using Charrettes to Build an Outcomes-based Assessment Plan Molly Kerby, Stacy S. Wilson and Wren Mills - Western Kentucky University Pearlstein 102

Moving from Compliance to Improving Student Learning: Reframing Academic Quality Natasha Jankowski and David Marshall - National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) Gerri C Lebow Hall 109

The Wizards of Assessment: Peel Back the Curtain and Experience the Art and Science of the Assessor Ray Lum and Mark Green - Drexel University Gerri C Lebow Hall 209

Sep 8, 2016
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

Concurrent Session 6


How to Design and Implement a Comprehensive Assessment Plan Under Pressure Satyajit Ghosh, Richard Walsh and Nicholas Truncale - University of Scranton PISB 104

Aligning Program Review: Academic Quality and the New Middle-States Standards Robert Wilson - Cedar Crest College, LaMont Rouse - The College of New Jersey PISB 106


What A Difference Assessment Can Make! Rebecca Haggerty and Daniel Haggerty - The University of Scranton PISB 108


Stubborn Numbers: Driving Writing Assessment with Targeted Professional Development Moe Folk, Amy Lynch-Biniek and Doug Scott - Kutztown University Pearlstein 101


Integrating Assessment & Faculty Development to Improve Course-Learning Outcomes Achievement Using the Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) Elizabeth Lisic, Tennessee Tech University and Kim Gagne, Keene State College Pearlstein 102


Systematic Curriculum Review: Establishing a Process That's Worth the Time Jennifer Kirwin and Margarita DiVall - Northeastern University Gerri C Lebow Hall 109

Training for Success with Automated Assessment; A model for Training Taculty in Academia. Kenneth McCurdy, Gannon University Gerri C Lebow Hall 209

Sep 8, 2016
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM


The Franklin Institute

Sep 9, 2016
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM

Continental Breakfast 2

PISB Atrium

Sep 9, 2016
8:45 AM - 9:45 PM

Concurrent Session 7


Triple A Aligning, Accelerating, Achieving! Using Strengths to Drive Your Strategic & Assessment Plan Forward Carol Thurman, Juana Cunningham and Liz Kazungu - Georgia Institute of Technology PISB 104


At the Mercy of Many Masters: Assessment Planning in a College of Health Professions Jody Bortone, Robin Danzak and Beverly D. Fein - Sacred Heart University PISB 106


Innovations in Conceptualizing and Assessing Civic Competency and Engagement in Higher Education Javarro Russell - Educational Testing Services (ETS) PISB 108


Get the Assessment Train Moving: Assessment Readiness Strategies to Support Program and/or Institutional Assessment Catherine Datte and Ruth Newberry - Gannon University Pearlstein 101


Methodologically Rigorous Assessment: Engaging Faculty in Data Collection for Assessment and Publication Laura Maki - St. Olaf College Pearlstein 102


Assessing Student Engagement to Improve Academic Quality: Applying Findings from NSSE Jillian Kinzie - Center for Postsecondary Research, National Survey for Student Engagement (NSSE) Gerri C Lebow Hall 109


Me, Myself, & I: Self-assessment as a Means to Enhancing Academic Quality Janet McNellis and Lisa D. Belfield - Holy Family University Gerri C Lebow Hall 209

Implementing ExamSoft: Using Technology to Improve Quality in Assessment Caitlyn Goldschmidt - Drexel University PISB 120

Sep 9, 2016
10:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Concurrent Session 8


Faculty at the Wheel: Assessment Education and the Map toward Data-driven Decisions Emily Zank, Jim Eck and Brittany Hunt - Louisburg College PISB 104


Strategies and Tools for Engaging in a Middle States Self-Study Using the Revised Standards Karen Rose - Widener University PISB 106


Quantitative Assessment for Qualitative Practices: Creating Effective Rubrics and Assessment Practices for Studio Based Courses Dana Scott - Philadelphia University PISB 108


From Visual Literacy to Literary Proficiency: An Instructional and Assessment Model Using Graphic Novels Lynn Kutch and Julia Ludewig - Kutztown University Pearlstein 101

Faculty Assessment Fellows: A Model for Building Capacity, Advancing Goals and Sustaining Success Beth Roth, Scott Davidson and Kathy McCord - Alvernia University Pearlstein 102

Promoting Academic Quality through Development of Meaningful Rubrics for First-Year Courses Elizabeth Jones and Dianna Sand - Holy Family University Gerri C Lebow Hall 109


Critical Thinking? It's not what you Think! Janet Thiel - Georgian Court University ​Gerri C Lebow Hall 209

Sep 9, 2016
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks & Raffle PISB 120

Sep 12, 2018
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Pre-Conference Workshops

Implementing Curriculum Review: From Designing the Process to Using the Findings Jane Marie Souza, University of Rochester Pearlstein 302

Developing Direct and Indirect Measures of Student Learnin Jodi Levine-Laufgraben, Temple Unversity Pearlstein 303

Winning Arts and Minds: Assessing the Creative Disciplines Krishna Dunston, Community College of Philadelphia Pearlstein 307

Assessment Toolbox: Supercharge the Direct Assessment of Student Services Michael Sachs, East Stroudsburg University Pearlstein 101

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Accreditation: Working with the New MSCHE Standards Sean McKitrick, PhD, Vice President, Middle States Commission on Higher Education Pearlstein 308

From A - Z: An Assessment Toolkit Sean Joanna Campbell, Professor, Bergen Community College Maureen Ellis-Davis, Associate Professor, Bergen Community College Gail Fernandez, Associate Professor, Lead Assessment Fellow, Center for Institutional Effectiveness, Bergen Community College Dr. Pearlstein 102

Sep 12, 2018
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Welcome and Opening Plenary

Welcome Brian Blake, Provost, Drexel University Mandell 424


Opening Plenary: Relying on Assessment to Chip Away at Academic Injustices in the Classroom Todd Zakrajsek, University of North Carolina Mandell 424

Sep 12, 2018
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Break 1

Sep 12, 2018
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM

Break 2

Sep 12, 2018
4:45 PM - 5:30 PM

Ice Cream Social

Networking Event PISB Atrium

Sep 13, 2018
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM

Morning Plenary

“A Revolution in Higher Education: Tales from Unlikely Allies” Richard De Millo, Georgia Tech University Mandell 424

Sep 13, 2018
11:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Break 3

Sep 13, 2018
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Break 4

Sep 14, 2018
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

Break 5