Kristen Betts, EdD
Clinical Professor

Kristen Betts, EdD


Program Affiliation

Certificate, Mind, Brain & Learning
MS, Creativity & Innovation
MS, Higher Education Leadership
MS, Learning Technologies
EdD, Educational Leadership & Management

Dr. Betts is affiliated with the following programs:

Learn more about the School of Education's Graduate Education Programs

Betts K., Reddy P., Galoyan T, Delaney B., McEachron D. L., Izzetoglu K., & Shewokis P. A. (2023). An examination of the effects of virtual reality training on spatial visualization and transfer of learning. Brain Sciences, 13(6), 890. 

Betts, K., Delaney, B., Galoyan, T., & Lynch, B. (2021). A historical review of distance and online education from 1700s to 2021 in the United States: Instructional design and pivotal pedagogy in higher education. Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice. PDF Copy of the Article 

Galoyan, T. & Betts, K. (2021). Integrative transfer of learning model and implications for higher education. The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/07377363.2020.1847970.

Galoyan, T., Betts, K., Abramian, H., Reddy, P., Izzetoglu, K., & Shewokis, P.A. (2021) Examining mental workload in a spatial navigation transfer game via functional near infrared spectroscopy. Brain Science, 11(45).

Delaney, B., & Betts, K. (2020). Training and Supporting of Journalism Faculty to Teach Online: A Multiple Case Study, Journalism Practice, DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2020.1852883.

Lyttle, C., & Betts, K, (Eds.). (2020). Research to practice: Urban special education leaders for tomorrow (1st ed.). School of Education, Drexel University.

Betts, K., Miller, M., Tokuhama-Espinosa, T., Shewokis, P., Anderson, A., Borja, C., Galoyan, T., Delaney, B., Eigenauer, J., & Dekker, S. (2019, October). International report: Neuromyths and evidence-based practices in higher education. Online Learning Consortium: Newburyport, MA. 

Hall, N., Klein, V., Betts, K., & DeRanieri, J. (2018). Speaking up: Fostering "silence breaking" through leadership. Nursing Management, 49(6), 51. 

Betts, K., & Parr, T. (2017, September). Debunking education’s neuromyths. School Administrator. The School Superintendents Association.

Betts, K. (2014). Build it but will they teach?: Strategies to increase faculty participation and retention in online & blended learning. Online Journal of Distance Education Administrators, 17(2).

Betts, K. (2014). Factors influencing faculty participation & retention in online & blended education. Online Journal of Distance Education Administrators, 17(1).

Betts, K., Welsh, B., Pruitt, C. Dietrich, G. Watson, T., Trevino, J. Brooks, M., Cohen, A., Coombs, N. (2013). Understanding disabilities & online student success. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 17(3). The Sloan Consortium

Betts, K., Cohen, A., Veit, D., Alphin, H., Broadus, C., & Allen, D. (2013). Strategies to increase online student success for students with disabilities. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 17(3). The Sloan Consortium.

Betts, K., Gaines, L., & Kramer, R. (2011). Online faculty & adjuncts: Strategies for meeting current & future demands of online education through online human touch training & support. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 1(4), IGI Global, Hershey, PA, ISSN: 2155-6873.

Betts, K., Hartman, K., & Oxholm, C. (2010). Re-examining & repositioning higher education: 20 economic and demographic factors driving online and blended program enrollments. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 9(1). The Sloan Consortium.

Betts, K., Lewis, M., Dressler, A., & Svensson, L. (2009). Optimizing curricula and learning simulation to support a quinary career development model. Asian-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 10(2), 99-119.

Betts, K. (2009). Lost in translation: Importance of effective communication in online education. Online Journal of Distance Education Administrators, 12(2).

Betts, K., Urias, D., Betts, K., & Chavez, J. (2009). Higher education and shifting U.S. demographics: Need for visible career paths, professional development, succession planning & commitment to diversity. Academic Leadership On-Line Journal 7(2).

Betts, K. (2009). Online human touch (OHT) training and support: A conceptual framework to increase faculty and adjunct faculty engagement, connectivity, and retention in online education, Part 2. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 5(1), 29-48.

Betts, K. (2008). Online human touch (OHT) instruction and programming: A conceptual framework to increase online student engagement and retention in online education, Part 1. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 4(3), 399-418.

Betts, K., & Sikorski, B. (2008). Financial bottom line: Estimating the cost of turnover and attrition for online faculty and adjunct. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 11(1).

  • Online student engagement, retention and completion
  • Mind, Brain, and Education Science; Brain Targeted Teaching; Learning Sciences
  • Online Human Touch
  • Online neuropedagogy and online neuro-instructional design
  • Faculty development
  • eStudent Affairs and eAdvising
  • Program development, accessibility and federal regulations
  • Drexel University, School of Education
    Clinical Professor
    Director, EdD program, Philadelphia (previous)
    Director, MS in Higher Education program (previous)
  • Drexel University, Office of the Provost
    Senior Director, eLearning
  • Forbes Education
    Chief Academic Officer
  • Armstrong State University
    Director, Online & Blended Learning
  • Educational Consultant
  • Fairfax County Public School System, Spanish Teacher

Dr. Kristen Betts is a Clinical Professor in the School of Education at Drexel University. Dr. Betts has over 20 years of teaching in higher education and serving in key leadership positions within private, public, and for-profit institutions. Dr. Betts teaches in the Mind, Brain & Learning Certificate program, MS programs, and EdD program. Dr. Betts’ expertise is in online and blended learning, curriculum and instructional design, and evaluation. Her research focus is on Mind, Brain, and Education science, assessment, technology-enhanced learning, and professional development. Dr. Betts is a Fulbright Specialist and Middle States Commission on Higher Education peer evaluator. Dr. Betts is a grant reviewer for the Hong Kong Grants Council. Dr. Betts is also an invited keynote speaker nationally and internationally.