Urban Health Summer Institute - Data Visualization in R for Urban Health

June 24, 2019 through June 28, 2019

1:30 PM-5:00 PM

Improving the quality of data visualizations can help in communicating results more clearly and transparently to other scientists, stakeholders and the general public. This course will use a workshop format to help students build their own data visualization projects using R, with Urban Health examples. The five sessions will include:

(1) a general introduction to basic data visualization concepts; (2) best practices to build static figures + a workshop on different types of static figures (bar, line-points, etc.); (3) basic concepts regarding maps and GIS + a workshop on how to map your geographic data in R; (4) interactive web-plots and their utility + a workshop on interactive web plotting in R using Shiny; (5) a plotting project, where students will bring their own plotting needs, present a basic sketch to other students and then work in the code needed to get a production-quality figure with help from the code from previous sessions.

Instructor: Usama Bilal, MD, PhD, MPH, assistant research professor at the Drexel Dornsife School of Public Health.

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Contact Information

Sarah Greer

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Nesbitt Hall
3215 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104


  • Everyone