Allison Groves, PhD, MHS

Associate Professor, Department of Community Health and Prevention, Dornsife School of Public Health

Dr. Groves’ research focuses on understanding and addressing disparities in HIV prevention and care globally. She uses qualitative and quantitative research methods to further the science on how structural factors (e.g., gender inequalities, housing instability, and mass incarceration) and relationship factors (e.g., intimate partner violence) contribute to poor health among adolescent girls and young women in Southern Africa and among populations vulnerable to HIV in the United States. Globally, she has led research that examines the link between adolescent motherhood and HIV acquisition. She has also led the development, implementation and evaluation of a pilot intervention to support adolescent mothers’ return to school following childbirth. She is a recognized expert in the science of adolescent motherhood and as such, has attended advocacy meetings on adolescent motherhood at the World Health Organization and currently serves on the Lancet Commission for Adolescent Health and Well-being.

Domestically, she has led research that examines the impact of eviction and other landlord-related forced moves on HIV risk. She also contributes to the development and evaluation of interventions which are designed to increase access to care among HIV-positive women following childbirth and to reduce HIV risk among drug-using women in Philadelphia.